So I've been working hard on my fake hair and have some more pictures to show you. At this point I've got two main sets, one in blond, black, and neon pink, and one in blonde, black, and this really pretty copper-auburn color. I actually just last night dismantled a few dreads off each and created a new set in blonde black and pink, with a few dreads I quickly made with a color called "sweet red" because I needed something to go with an outfit I had planned for my ex-company's Christmas party. Oh, and that's right, in case you weren't aware, I quit my job (yay!) and have started a new one, I'm currently in training to be a catalog for a huge library-supply company called Brodart. I like it a lot so far.
Anyway, on to the pics. This is my first time direct-linking from my flickr account so here's hoping it works.
This is before I added the black, when they were just blonde and pink. The falls are double layered, with all short ones on top and the bottom layer having some shorter ones and some full-length.
That same night, as you can see, I was also doing a fun leopard-print eye makeup thing I've recently begun doing a fair bit. I enjoy it a lot. :)
Here you can see how long the long ones are.
Alright, so then I popped into Sally Beauty Supply and picked up some black hair because I thought the blonde and pink alone were kind of boring. So the new set has a bottom layer of blonde and black (which is multiuseful because I also use it as the bottom layer of the copper-based set) and the same top layer as above but with some black ones and blonde-black and pink-black swirlies. In these pics I'm also wearing the pink-blonde bottom layer from the above set with the long ones removed and braided in in the front. So there are three layers of falls and 10 dreads braided in along the front of my hair.
Here's the best front view I have
In most of these, the long ones braided in the front are pulled back and tied below my buns in the back, to keep them out of my face and to take a little of the weight off my scalp. Like so:
I love how I can just tie them in knots to style them. :)
I also enjoy the juxtaposition of the pretty natural environment with the crazy unnatural hair, like so:
And here's some of me being all pose-y with my guitar, I was trying to get some good shots for posters and flyers for my *** CELL BLOCK SHOW!!! *** which I'm very excited about. :)
I would like to point out the awesomeness of my leopard-print guitar strap in the below photo, a present from my dear friend Hugh Ross, whose album you should buy (visit
This one gives a little bit of an idea of the volume of these things. This is BIG hair.
Two more - Me and my friend Mark's guinea pig, Pig:
And me and the most excellent Lena. You can't tell from the shadows but we both had big awesome hair, although hers is all actually growing out of her head, lucky girl.
Pheww... I'll save pics of the copper set for another post, 'cause I'm just tired of typing. You can see all the pics of my dreads so far in my Flickr dreads set here: Comments are wonderful...