(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 18:51

l3un Gym An (6:26:35 PM): gassp
l3un Gym An (6:26:36 PM): what dd you get?
lifshiztz (6:39:31 PM): what did i get?
lifshiztz (6:39:32 PM): where?
l3un Gym An (6:42:28 PM): STARRRRRR
l3un Gym An (6:42:36 PM): I GOT A 100 IN VOCAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
l3un Gym An (6:42:44 PM): the worlds going to end!
lifshiztz (6:43:23 PM): in vocab?
lifshiztz (6:43:25 PM): dude you beat me
lifshiztz (6:43:38 PM): but i got 100 in writing strat and writing conventions
lifshiztz (6:43:44 PM): what about your math?
l3un Gym An (6:45:24 PM): really?
l3un Gym An (6:45:27 PM): not that great
l3un Gym An (6:45:30 PM): but not hta bad
l3un Gym An (6:45:36 PM): i got advanced in everyitng
l3un Gym An (6:45:40 PM): and rd lv 12
l3un Gym An (6:45:45 PM): post on lj
l3un Gym An (6:45:46 PM): like me

Since Ben's bothering me about it, here are my scores.

English-Language Arts ~ 440 (Meh)

Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development: 89%
Reading Comprehension: 78% (yuck)
Literary Response and Analysis: 80%
Written Conventions: 100%
Writing Strategies: 100%

Algebra I ~ 595

Number Properties, Operations, and Linear Equations: 100%
Graphing and Systems of Linear Equations: 100%
Quadratics and Polynomials: 95%
Functions and Rational Expressions: 92% (yuck)

History-Social Science ~ 481 (wtf my history's better than my english)

World History and Geopgraphy: Ancient Civilization: 94%
Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages: 93%
Renaissance/Reformation: 80%
U.S. Constitution and the Early Republic: 91%
Civil War and Its Aftermath: 92%
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