Mar 03, 2005 19:12
I really, really hate .htaccess. Mostly because I have spent all day trying to figure out what the hell it is (fairly unsuccessfully, I might add) and if I don't find some way to use it by Monday I will lose my job and starve on the streets forever. Seriously, I type in all the code I'm (apparently) supposed to, then I upload the file and it crashes the whole site. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. Oh god I hate my job. Seriously, having a real job could not possibly be worse. Well, except that I'd have to leave the house sometimes. That would kind of suck.
Speaking of which, why does it have to rain every time I go out? And when it does rain, couldn't it be a little bit cooler instead of still being 35 degrees but twice as humid? I can't walk any significant distance in this country because after being outside for five minutes I can't breathe.
I think maybe I should shave my head. Not because it would look good (it really wouldn't) or because I promised my friends in grade 8 that I'd do it when I graduated (they've probably all forgotten about that, and it's not like I'm actually going to see them again or anything) but because at least then I would be dying of heat all the time. I was going to grow my hair out a bit, but... eurgh, I just can't take it. How does anyone survive this kind of weather? How did I do it for fourteen years?
I actually miss winter. That's it, I'm going crazy. I hate winter. In Canada I actually wanted to go back here to escape it, but now I just need to get out of this country with the stifling heat and stupid censorship laws and people who walk down Orchard Road SO SO SO SLOWLY. SERIOUSLY WHY ARE YOU WALKING IF YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE? What is wrong with people? Fuck, what's wrong with me?
web design,
what is wrong with people