Ah, I have a cold and feel super-rubbish and there are people jackhammering right outside my window. Why, universe, why??? Also, I am poor and cannot pay my internet bill until next Wednesday, so if I suddenly vanish, this is why. (I am betting it gets cut off just as I start downloading Uta no Oniisan.) Anyhoo, so I'm downloading as much Arashi stuff as I can in preparation!! XD
Rules: For eight days you have to post something that made you happy that day. Tag eight people to do the same.
*Curry rice!! Oh, curry rice, how I love you!! Even if the premade sauces from the Asian grocery are stupidly expensive, they are so worth it! Am also becoming awesome at cooking rice
*Merlin fic. Thank you for continuing to be awesome.
*Kiseki. Nino version, of course. Have been listening to this song on repeat for like a month and it still makes me very happy!! XDDDD
Matsumiya picspam post by
theproudpenguin. Seriously, who wouldn't buy an industrial daikon peeler from them???
On account of the sudden and violent cold, Day 6 was mostly spent sleeping, so I didn't actually do much.
Ah, I am trying to dload the VS special and my internets keeps blinking out!! Today is kind of frustrating like that!!! I am going to go and eat my toast and post again later when I feel less grumpy!! XP