Sep 13, 2005 23:19
yesterday was ok. i decided to try out for the mainstage play 'Metamorphases' at CCC. i thought i did very well. so that was a cool experience. so then i got home in enough time to watch the eagles lose and do a lot of history homework. i knew they were gonna lose, and im glad in a way. reality check. they should fight to get where they want to be. so then i got to bed the earliest that i ever have since school started, a still sad 1:30. ugg, i don't know whats wrong with me. i just can't fall asleep. well, enough on yesterday.
hmm, today. well, talk about an up and down day, today was one of those days...
to start, my alarm clock woke me up around 6 and i just wanted to close my eyes for a bit longer, so i hit the alarm off, so in logic, i thought that i knew that nothing would wake me up, so i better control myself from falling asleep. well, what worked several times before, didn't today. i woke up at 7:20. so i rushed and got my stuff together and got out the door in ten minutes and started walking to school, which i was well enough late for. so im passing the wawa and i hear "fulginiti!" so i turn and see len in his car. so he was able to give me a ride over. so i had to go to lucente's and fill out paper work and w/e, no big deal. so then i get up to mrs. rowland's and everyones like "congratulations!" tired as i am, im like "whaaa?" "congratulations, bill told us that you made 'Metamorphases.' as excied and happy as i am now about it, i was incredibly tired and just ""-ed it off and sat down. so then i did a shitty cold reading for some reason and felt like shit for a few periods, or the ones that i really don't like. then 5th period, lunch, came along and nobody was around that i talk to, so after i ate i decided to go to the band room and talk to T for the first time since i quitted. it was a really nice conversation, got to explain a lot of stuff to eachother and he still needs somebody to fill my spot for the first 2 songs. so he was pretty much willing to give me any options so that i could come back. i said i would think about it and think about it, but honestly, it's impossible. and i know it. eh, i just need to stop thinking and worrying about so much. so teen pep was alright and issues and themes was ok, but im sorry, i love mrs. fudala but the class is too boring for an 8th period class. ugghh.
so i wanted to walk home cause i hate that i get home at 2:30 since the bus stops at my stop last. vicky saw we walking and kindly stoped and gave me a ride home. boy, i got lucky with rides today. anyway, i had SAT tutoring from 3-5, which went well. and since then, ive been doing a lot of relaxing and even took a nap. watched dmb perform on vh1's storytellers, which rocked, and then watched house. so thats about it on today.
so yea, im really excited about 'Metamorphases.' it's a really interesting and artistic play about old tales about gods and kings, king midas and the golden touch being one of them. it's a good mix of everything that i like about straight plays and it encorporates dance into it as well. rehersals start next friday should be an awesome show. the performance dates are Oct 28-29 and Nov 4-5. mark it down! sadly, one of the october dates is the same day as highland's homecomming :-/ i was kinda looking forward to it, but oh well i guess.