Overheard remarks

Feb 26, 2006 10:51

Write about an overheard remark or secret that you were not supposed to hear.

I'd gone to find her and our newborn child after waking and not finding them near…

We had quite the scare the night before when Hedylogos had robbed our cradle of our child and while he brought him safely back home I never want to feel that way again. I've panicked before but nothing, nothing is more terrifying to a parent than to think you've lost your child. During those moments after you discover he is missing you worry over where he is, how he is being treated, if he has eaten, whether he is warm, safe from harm, and you constantly ask yourself if you will ever see him again? In between anguish and despair you hope and pray to whoever is listening that he'll be returned safely but the fear doesn't subside.

Suspecting that Antigone had taken our son Erastos into the nursery I approached the door to only hear voices and because the door had been left ajar, I was able to see Zelos holding my baby and Antigone give him a kiss making a declaration that stopped me from entering: "Your pleasure or no, being alone at such a time would have been unbearable. Your company made a difficult and painful time... enjoyable."

My heart faltered. I felt angry and remorseful because how could she stand there and kiss him, and allow him to hold our baby when he was only there for a few hours while I had been there? And yet I was rueful because I hadn't been there for those few hours that he was.

And then Zelos made a statement after that she must have enjoyed the time after he left us alone to ourselves, that she must have enjoyed that time spent alone with me over the time he had spent with her?

I anticipated some kind of relief in her answer and found none.

She said it wasn't more enjoyable, recalling we had had an argument while her voice was full of laughter and flirtation.

(OOC: Anteros is referring to the evening that his son was born. He wasn't there when Antigone first went into labor but was there for the birth while Zelos was there at the beginning of labor.)

Muse: Anteros
Fandom: Myth
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