
May 29, 2008 22:20

blah.. another day of work..

nothing new nothing special nothing exciting.. bloody hell... keep warping in and out of reality.
when everything was pretty much the best times of my life... somethings just not right.


yesterday was kinda odd... who'd have thought that people would really be so thick skinned as to start "begging" on the bus?
i put it in inverted commas cause i don't really know how else to define it. But yeah.. this relatively old woman went around the 180 bendy
tapping people on the shoulders and rather rudely, might i add, asking people for money to eat..

I was actually kinda scared when she came from behind and tapped me on the shoulder. It didn't occur to me how she addressed me though..
But yeah.. the indian dude she asked first that was seated on my right took out his wallet and handed, oh i don't know.. $2?
I had a $10 in my wallet so obv i didn't give it lah. She didn't appear in dire straits or so.. but honestly she really just scared me. for some reason. So anyways i just kept saying "mai mai..." and weirdly turned away... so she went on to i would say.. "pester" the other passengers?
But it was then that it actually hit me... bloody hell!! She addressed me as "AH SOH!" AH SOH LEH!! wah lan eh!
Wah...!! buay tahan! Oh well... but it was really strange and rather unnerving... when i happened to turn and saw her... she was sitting down and GLARING at everyone alight! Bloody unnerving if you ask me! But thank God she didn't alight with me... *phew* oh vell... (:

Apart from that one interesting thing.. my day went by extremely mundane. Somehow all the fun in life has just evaporated. Miss the old times. Miss everyone from the past, or at least the balls of fun we all had. BLAH!

Went to watch Caspian dude thing today with my two gal pal colleagues... wasn't really fantastic?  I  felt it was rather predictable.. well duh! It's is a somewhat fantasy kinda thing. It was so ridiculous though.. halfway through the show i had to run to the loo. Bloody embarrassing considering that i had to walk through like 6 people. Grah. Pretty sure they were cursing me under their breaths! lol! But anyhoos.. I wouldn't really recommend watching it in theaters,  just wait for the DVD.. (:

Hmm.. I dread the weekends now. Nothing real to look forward to.. Blubberdash!
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