Apr 19, 2006 07:31
After a vicious night of nightmares Anthony tried to make himself look interested in what was going on in lessons. Absently rubbing his eyes through lack of sleep he walked out of class his face white as a sheet. He didn't know why Remus attacking him bothered him so much, but now he dreams that Remus not only attacked him, but then attacked Sabrina.
Of course, Anthony knew that Remus had only lost his temper, he would of done the same he mused, if he had more courage and he had been in Remus's place, yet the nightmares were so frightening that they kept him awake all night despite the fact he knew they were just pathetic dreams.
He rubbed his face to wake himself up, when he heard footsteps, and his name being called. Intrigued, he turned to look at see who wished for interaction when he looked like death warmed up.