May 28, 2002 12:51
I totally totally forgot to talk about TODAY. I was meant to start work at 6:45 so I set my alarm for 6am like a good boy and I was in bed by 10pm so all went to plan except when I opened my eyes and the clock said 7am! My alarm didn't work! I was running 15 minutes late when I woke up so I pretty much flew out of bed and my feet didn't touch the ground until I got to work. Lucky for me I work with possibly the coolest people around so it was all good. They told me since I am always staying back anyway it doesn't matter. Phew. One thing that was annoying me today was that there is one kid there who I knew was badly behaved, but I forgot how much of a little prick he can be. It's not one of those cases where he has a troubled background or a disorder we need to be aware of - he is just a selfish child who backchats and is a smartarse to everyone and he enjoys causing trouble. He is possibly the one kid I work with that I just can't figure out how to approach. Every other child tends to have an angle you can approach them from in order to cause the least amount of trouble and you can usually gain their trust and respect via these means, but not this guy. Just when you think you're getting along with him he turns around and proves you wrong. One day I'll figure him out.