Apr 24, 2002 10:14
Well my last entry was all typed up and then I lost it when there was a blackout! Dammit. Anyway, today is the day before my birthday and I wagged uni like I told myself I wouldn't. Last night I felt pretty sick and waking up this morning to find I coughed up a lung and had a headache made me go back to sleep. Anyway I am going to force myself to go to uni tonight because I don't want to fail this particular subject. It's Jim's 21st and I wanted to get there a shade earlier than 10pm but unfortunately I finish uni at 8pm, drive home, blah blah blah and get there later. I got some cool stuff already for my birthday - but I guess cos I bought it that it's not really counted as presents. (How shocking was my grammar in that last sentence?!) So yeah today I will continue my search for the ever elusive mesh hats. DECENT mesh hats that is. I found one in an op shop yesterday that was all flat and dirty for $1. Not cool.
A sandfly bit my face before and it sucks. I hate those damn things. Well not entirely too much else to say except that Paint The Sky Red are the best band on earth today. And yesterday. And tomorrow.