Nov 04, 2008 23:47
I can't quite believe it's real.
I know this isn't the answer to everything. I know there's still a huge number of fearful, deceitful, selfish, greedy and ignorant people out there, in our country and everywhere around the world. I know that we've created problems for ourselves that are going to take superhuman effort to even tackle, much less hope to solve - financial, ecological, social, political.
And you know what? Right now I don't care.
I have believed in this man since I first saw him speak, because I understand the power of INSPIRATION. His own experience was not the issue, as so many would have us believe. He has the combination of vision, courage and integrity that sees what could be, puts heart and gut and soul into making that vision a reality, and does it for *everybody*. The President is almost less important as an individual than the team he brings with him, and this is where his inspiration is going to make all the difference - this man has quietly and gracefully gotten through people's defenses and won their hearts, and he will have the best and most committed people flocking to his side. But mostly, he has inspired *us* - the everyday working men and women of this country - to believe that change really is possible, and that he gives a shit about ALL of us. He reminds us we need to give a shit about each other, too, and that in the end this is about US, not about him - he can lead but if we don't follow nothing will happen. And he makes us WANT to take that step.
I have always loved my country, and despite all the craziness here, I still think it's about the best place on Earth to live. (New Zealand and Ireland might have a *slight* edge, but all my friends are here.) I did not realize until tonight how shamed and discouraged I've really been for 8 years, when "American" meant "idiot" and "thug" in the same word. I know there are plenty of people who still hate us, and always will - but by damn, I think they're going to learn to RESPECT us again, and we can start learning to respect ourselves.
As a final note, I have to say, I was also touched to see the real John McCain show up again in his concession speech. If *that* man had been allowed to run this race, I still think it would have ended up this way, but it might not have been as big a gap. I give him my respect and honor him for closing his campaign in a graceful, dignified, and respectful way - despite the nasty responses from his audience!
My heart is full tonight, and I am so happy to see all the rest of you celebrating too. I am thrilled that voter turnout is among the historic achievements of the day, and while I know there are a lot of disappointed people out there who are fearful of the next four years, I truly believe the reality will win many of them over.