baby help me....

Aug 22, 2004 02:24

w0w... 0kay, hmm...t0day i was supp0sed t0 g0 t0 church and watch J0HNNy sing, but i decided t0 g0 t0 a party. lol. ME and my MOM went sh0pping t0day, she g0t me a new sweater, and a new dress and shall and scarf and headband f0r church. The party was ok..but we g0t b0red s0 we t00k 0ff t0 the LBC....t0 BUBBAz H0USE. YAY!. when we g0t there she wasn't h0me s0 i g0t sad, but as s00n as she was pullin up in the drive way she screamed....BUBBA!!!!!!!!, lol...h0w exciting.

s0 ...we're sitting 0utside talkin..turns out BUBBA HAS A JoB!!, nd a NEW CELLie...and NEW h0w gay. i need a j0b, i need a cellie, and new kickz. l0l.

Her h0mmie LUiS called...l0l, mg hilarious shit. we were on the phone crackin up like crazy. That boy sounds sooooooooo sexy on the phone. WOW. all im g0nna say is WOW. lol he funny as hell t0o. 0mg...i t0ld him i was sh0rter than BUBBA FREAKz, and he said i should be a comedian kuz thats some funny shit. l0lz... haha g00d times. i LOVE YOU BUBBA FREAKz. i miss y0u...and d0n't w0rry BUBBA BUTT0n UPZ...hehe i miss y0u t0o. .

t0m0rr0w is JEANNETE`s quince. yikes...i g0tta d0 her hair, darn, it's k0o, imma get PiZaiD!!!!. yay..happy birthday BABE !!!, by the way, wh0 wants t0 be my esc0rt t0 the party???

out <3 mimi

p.s---> i need a b0yfriend damnit. !!!
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