how d0 y0u feel...

Sep 08, 2004 15:01

hmm..i havent bl0gged f0r a while, sk00l starts t0m0rr0w. blahh!!, 0h well, sh0uld be fun, im still trying t0 g0 back t0 taft. s0 i0n0 wats up witht hatr ight n0w...mys ummer was 0kae i guess, i really wanted a summer bf, but i guess it c0uldnt happen. =[. 0hh well i f0und a new passi0n. SURFiNG!!!! YEAH!! and sarah are the sexiest. = ]......anywayz, heres a survey.

|KnOwN aS| :: MARiA MiSSZALy DE`LE0N, [ MiMi, MiSSA, sh0rty, luSSEr]

Piercings: EARS, used t0 have the belly, but I g0t in tr0uble. L0l.
Tattoos: getting a cr0ss with a r0se ar0und it in my l0wer back s00n. =]
Height: 5'1" hehe imma sh0rty.
Shoe size: size baby… size 4, 0r 4 1/2
Hair color: black…
Length: l0ng layers…kinda sh0rt right n0w. =[

Movie you rented: DiCKiE R0BERTS
Movie you bought: PASSi0n 0F THE CHRiST
Song you listened to: J0HN B. - THEy D0n’t KN0w
Song that was stuck in your head: J0HN B - THEY D0n’t KN0w
CD you listened to: NBK
Person you've called: J0HNNy
Person that's called you: J0hNNy
TV show you've watched: 106 Nd PARK. Yesterdayz epis0de.

You have a bf or gf: naww…im l0nely!!
You have a crush on someone: yes I d0...
You wish you could live somewhere else: yes….I REALLy d0.
You think about suicide: I have bef0re ..
Others find you attractive: i DuNnO .. D0 they? =] ..
You want more piercings: YeA .. I want my t0ngue…but im scared… l0l.
You drink: n0pe…. It’s bad f0r y0u.
You do drugs: n0pe….it’s bad f0r y0u t00.

You smoke: n0pe…it fukkz up ur lungz….and it’s bad f0r y0u as well. =]
You like cleaning: yeahh, 0n my 0wn time th0ugh, n0t when my parents f0rce me t0 d0 s0

Ever cried over a guy/girl: YeA .. A L0t..
Ever lied to someone: d0esn’t every0ne ..
Ever been in a fist fight: uH .. D0es my br0ther c0unt?
Ever been arrested: thank g0d n0... ..

Of times I have been in love: 0nce bef0re…and right n0w =] ..
Of times I have had my heart broken: twice.. =[
Of hearts I have broken: hmmm… n0ne I h0pe. <33
Of girls I have kissed: ewwwww n0ne !!
Of boys I have kissed: l0l…hmm….just pecked or actually made 0ut? Tw0. hehe !!
Of drugs taken illegally: hmm n0ne =] wink*
Of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: unf0urtunately 0 ..
Of people I consider my enemies: I d0nn0... Im n0t a hater, im a l0ver ..
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 0nce in 4th grade…kids c0rner. =]..
Of scars on my body: a lot: like 10 ..
Of things in my past that I regret: like 73087049837259874857482740985723 ...

Long distance relationships: FoR .. i haD 0ne bef0re…lasted ab0ut a year.
Using someone: against….it’s n0t c00l.
Killing people: against…..n0 matter what theyd 0...let G-D take care 0f it
Teenage smoking: against…. Th0se kidz are stupid

Premarital sex: FOR .. aS y0u l0ve the pers0n unc0nditi0anally, yet being smart at the same time.
Driving drunk: AGAInST….it’s just wr0ng
Gay/lesbian relationship: against…. It’s not right under the eyes 0f G-D…but I d0nt hate gay pe0ple…theyre kinda fun. =]
Soap operas: f0r…hehe I watch a Spanish 0ne with my m0ther.

Food: PUERT0 RiCAN, 0r GUATEMALAn…. Yummy..specially my grandmas c00king. 0uch!!!
Drinks: WATER, and c0ke….yummy I l0ve c0ke
Clothes: ANyTHiNG VINTAGE, but if u want brands…umm AE, JUiCY, A&F is nice.=]
Movies: C0MEDy…I l0ve laughing.
Band/singer: hmm…TBS…USHER….jeesh I d0nn0..this questi0n is t00 br0ad.
New nerdy saying: YiiiiKEs !!!
Disney movie: BEAUTy and THE BEASt
Scent: CUCUMBER MEL0n ..
Word: EARLy
Nickname: MiMi, MiSSA, SH0rty
Guy name: CRiS..l0l. [ I kn0w t00 damn many]
Girl name: ELIZABETh..
Eye color: anything light
color: RED…
Flower: TODAiSiES, lol !!!
Actress: JULiA ROBERTs
Actor: J0HNNy DEPP.


Funny: hahaha yeah….funny l00king. =]
Friendly: m0st 0f the time… but pe0ple think im mean f0r s0me reas0n.
Amusing: l0l…hmm…whut d0 y0u think?
Ugly: YEAH…
Lovable: l0l…VERy. <3
Pessimistic: YeA .. AT TiMEs
Optimistic : ummmm…s0mewhat.
Caring: YeS, maybe a lil t00 much !!
Sweet: YeP, when I want t0 b e !!
Dorky: hell freggin yes !!

Wallet: d0nt have 0ne!!
Hairbrush: pink c0n air. ..
Room: 0rganized, clean…l0l s0mewhat. ..
Blanket: baige with pink fl0wers t0 match my r00m
Coffee cup: a ballerina and my name 0n it ..
Sunglasses: gucci..
what are you wearig now: bball sh0rts and a white t. ..
Hair: up in a pony tail
Make up: MAC, revl0n….c0l0r= TOASt, n0t wearing any right n0w th0ugh

In my mouth: y0ur tongue…l0l. Jk..n0thing.
In my head: h0w cris wants me this bad, yet d0esnt kn0w me that well. l0l !!
Wishing: that he knew me =\ ..
After this: ima g0 take a sh0wer and take sh0rty f0r a walk..

Talking to: CRiS
If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason: I`ll let g0d take care 0f that
Person you wish you could see right now: CRiS =] ..
Something that you are deathly afraid of: L0ViNg **** !!! =[
Do you like candles: yes…cucumber mel0n, 0r mang0.. Yummy. ..
Do you like hot wax: l0l…hurts
Do you like incense: yup, the 0nes fr0m venice beach..
Do you like the taste of blood: n0pe ..
Do you believe in love: yes I d0..
Do you believe in soul mates: nope I d0nt ..
Do you believe in love at first sight: yes I d0..
Do you believe in forgiveness: YeS .. i Do ..
Do you believe in God: YES --- J0HN 1:1 In THE beginning was the W0rd, and the w0rd was with G0D, and the W0rd was G0d ..
The story behind your user name: I dance? Lol…
4 words that sum you up: HOPELESS ROMANTiC and L0vEr. ..

hehehe... ohh and i sent this survey t0 cris...and this is what he said

Who are you?  Cris Camacho
Are we friends?  You could call us that
When and how did we meet?  We met cuz of my sister and online
What do you think of me?  that ur my perfection
What's the fondest memory you have of me?  trying to kiss u and seeing how cute it was when u wouldnt let urself
How long do you think we will be friends?  not too long [ hehehe =) ]
Do you love me? wouldnt u like to know
Would you kiss me?  in a hearbeat
Would you hug me?  [ he didnt answer]
On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?  11
Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. stupid question -_-
Am I loveable? course
How long have you known me? since i was in 11th grade
Describe me in one word. iono
What was your first impression? materialistic
Do you still think that way about me now? not as much
Do you think I'll get married?  yup
What makes me happy? i dont know wat makes u happy but i know wat can make u happy
What makes me sad? lonelynes
What reminds you of me? need for speed underground (u and ur cousin kept calling me while i was playing it at like 5am)
If you could give me anything what would it be? me
How well do you know me? barely
When's the last time you saw me?  around january
Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yup
What will I be when I grow up? mine

hehehe...awwwwe...  funny stuff. <33
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