
Sep 16, 2006 20:48

by flonnebonne

"Oh my god," said Waya. "Get off me."

"What?" replied Touya sleepily.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Waya couldn't stop saying 'oh my god.' "Are you naked? Oh my god, I'm naked too. Shit." He pushed Touya and the covers off of him.

Touya rolled around a few times before sitting up blearily.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" he finally managed to ask once he got a good look at Waya.

"What the hell were you doing lying all over me? Oh my god." Waya looked sick. "You were on top. No way."

"Why does that matter?"

Waya chose to ignore that question. "How did this happen?"

"Obviously, something was in that punch we drank so much of last night."

Waya looked down at himself. "Shit, I'm gonna put on some clothes."

When he got back, he said to Touya, "If you and Shindou weren't so noisy all the time they would have let you two share a room, and that sounded so wrong in context."


"Just shut up. Okay? No more talking. Talking hurts my head. I'm getting a new room, got it? I'll complain to the organizers. You can stay in here with...that." Waya gestured at the rumpled blanket Touya was still using to cover himself.

"Fine," Touya replied shortly.




Waya wheeled his luggage out the room.


Isumi had a blank look on his face. "I can't believe we did that."

"I think Ogata-san spiked the punch," Shindou offered.

"You're only fifteen. I'm nineteen. It was probably illegal."

"We're not gonna tell anyone. We're not that stupid."

Isumi ignored him and wrung his hands. "You're practically a child!"

"I am not a child!"

"Maybe nothing happened."

Shindou lifted up the blanket on his bed and peered under it. "No, something definitely happened."

"Why did I take that third drink? I'm too old to give in to peer pressure. I knew I tasted alcohol."

"You only had three drinks? I had like five."

"And I know I can't handle drinking, it runs in my family."

"Are you actually listening to me or are you just talking to yourself?"

"God, how am I going to face Waya?"

Shindou blinked several times. "Okay, that was more information than I needed. Look, if you like Waya that much why don't you go sleep in his room? Then Touya can come here."

"I can't believe I lost my virginity to a fifteen year old, " Isumi moaned.

"Or maybe I'll just change rooms," Shindou said with a sigh, taking his luggage and shutting off the lights as he left. Isumi could probably benefit from some time alone in the dark.

They met at the elevator, each eyeing the other's luggage warily.

"You changing rooms?" Waya finally asked.

"Yeah," said Shindou. "You?"

"Same. Can't stand being in the same room as Touya."

"I figured you two would have done something bad to each other by now."

Waya winced. "Something like that."

"Anyway, you wanna switch?"

"Hell yes."

"Sounds good. Don't have too much fun with Isumi-san. He's kind of in a, um, bad state."


"Nevermind. Just get in there and fix him. And ignore anything he says, he's a bit hung over right now."

"Yeah, same with Touya. I am so glad to get out of rooming with that guy."

"I hate to say it, but I'll be glad to get out of rooming with Isumi-san too. It's pretty awkward."

"Guess we weren't meant to be paired off like this, huh?"

"Yeah. You stay with Isumi-san, I'll stay with Touya. That way everyone is happy."

"Fine with me."

"Yeah, see you."


round 001, sub: flonnebonne

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