
Sep 20, 2010 07:39

by trixie_chick


She was told that she would be wed on her seventh birthday. It was a cause of much excitement, and declared by all to be a most excellent match. After that, she felt very important, because she was to be someone's wife.

Never once did she regret being married, and while one aunt would declare him to be the worst husband in the world, another would say he was most agreeable. He was beautiful, and that was more than she desired. He was kind, and that was more than she imagined. He was gentle, and that was more than she expected.

He spent most of his days at court, and she knew that he showed equal favor to all there, as long as they were interested in go. He played for and with the Emperor, elevating him in everyone else's eyes. At home, he continued his study and play, but if she asked for a lesson, he was always thrilled to teach her, even if she was never very good. He enjoyed her koto. Evenings that they were together were spent peacefully, her at her koto and him at his goban.

They did not spend many evenings in that manner, as he was often teaching, however. She had her memories, though.

That morning, he had left to play before the Emperor. He had to play for his right to continue as the court instructor. As he passed by her, she reached out to take his hand, but only caught his sleeve. She was not at all sure he even noticed her touch. He was excited to prove himself before the Emperor.

She worried.

She told herself that she was being silly, and worked on her needlepoint. Hours passed, and he did not return. However, it was a game with a strong rival. She took a modest repast, and read some new poetry from the court poet. Hours more passed, and he did not return. The afternoon faded into twilight. The servants became very quiet. Moonlight guided her as she aimlessly paced their garden. He never spent time on these paths. Hours passed, and when the gentleman from the Fujiwara house came, she knew he would not come home.

She spent the night alone, weeping for the husband she barely knew, and the children they never had. There was nothing left of him in the world, and that was her deepest failure.

round 010, sub: trixie_chick

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