
Sep 20, 2010 07:23

by onkoona

Spring time (The Edo files, part 2)

Sai sat patiently next to Torajiro's bed, reading the opened harmonica book. It was still early when Torajiro started moving in his bed. Sai had seen this happen for a couple of mornings now and he knew his young friend would not wake up yet. The movement got stronger and Torajiro started panting in his sleep. Sai left the bedroom and walked into the garden straight though the wall.

After he had circled the little bit of space he could roam away from Torajiro's vicinity a dozen times, he heard the familiar voice in his mind,

You can come back inside now, I'm up. He moved back through the wall and was glad to see Torajiro already dressed. Torajiro was really very consistent about being covered when around Sai, and Sai was most grateful. He had also cleared away Sai's book, for which he was less grateful.

"Good morning, Torajiro-chan," Sai chimed, "are you well today?" Torajiro stopped folding the bed and looked up, asking, "Why should I not be well?"

"Well," Sai was growing embarrassed at possibly having expressed the wrong sentiment.

"It looked like you had a nightmare, just now. And the same these last," he counted on his fingers, remembering, "six nights. Are you sure you are all right?" Torajiro looked puzzled and then smiled indulgently.

Why, Fujiwara, were you not young once?

"Young? I suppose..."

"Well, then you know how it is." "How what is?" "When your body starts to become mature and you have feelings of physical love, literally overflowing..."

Sai's sleeved hands came to his face in utter shock; Torajiro had been.... all alone in his bed. And Sai had been sitting next to... OH!

Sai got away from Torajiro as fast as he could but was stopped around the corner of the house by the distance limit forced on him by his ghostly existence. He sat in the grass, not feeling its texture or even disturbing the dew that still sat on it, both hand still over his face. He trembled.

Presently he felt the distance limit loosening its pull on him, signaling that Torajiro was coming towards him. Torajiro stopped two meters away.

"Fujiwara?" He stepped one step closer. "Fujiwara, are you all right?"
Sai didn't answer. Torajiro again stepped closer.

"Fujiwara, what's the matter?" Sai shook his head. He could not talk about this. Again a step closer, Torajiro was now quite close by. "Fujiwara." he started to sound cross now,

"I am a young man, I cannot change that. You must pull yourself together and stop this at once."
Sai dropped his hands and looked at Torajiro. The young man of the Edo period had a trustworthy firm gaze, and Sai let himself be commanded by it. He got up and they went about the rest of the day's business without any more conversation on the morning's matter.

Over the course of time Sai got used to life with a healthy young man. But Torajiro did make sure he was circumspect around Sai and his childishly innocent ways, wherever possible

round 010, sub: onkoona

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