New Plot Kits Available

Jul 24, 2006 21:41

Earlier today I published two new plot kist for the US Awakening chronicle. The plot kits were distributed to the Awakening ST list as well as to all of the RSTs and Awakening ARSTs. If you did not receive a copy of the plot kit, contact your RST or ARST and request a copy. Both plot kits are slated to start in early August. If you have trouble obtaining a copy from your RST or ARST, contact me directly ( and I will help facilitate the plot kit's distribution. Or if you are an ST who has the two plot kits and you know another US Mage ST who does not have the plot kits, feel free to share the plot kits with other STs.

And if you are not an ST but are reading this anyway, let your VST know that these plot kits are out there. Both of these plot kits tie into the US meta-plot, and so if you would like to see what is developing on a national scale in the US, then tell your VST to check out those two plot kits and consider them for use in your local game.
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