Nov 16, 2003 19:12
Ok, here we go.
Alot has happened since I last updated and most of you are probably gonna shit the proverbial brick.
You ready for this?
Sit ya ass down and prepare.
I got married.
My wife is the most awesome girl to walk the face of the planet (No offense ladies, but you'll just have to up your standards). She's everything that I've ever wanted in a companion. So.
Now that that's out of the way...
We got married on the beach in Ft. Meyers, FL at just about sunset, barefoot and alone. After the ceremony we took a long walk on the beach and let it all sink in.
Now, the reason that I'm writing this as an apology to Andy is that Andy seemed a little upset that he wasn't the first to know. I think he was a bit more upset that he heard about it from Sasha. Well, Sasha called me and asked what was going on, so I told her. The only person that I called and told was my mother and that wasn't till about 2 hours after my wedding.
So, this is to let you all know. Please, my fellow ManScouts, please tell Andy not to be upset. I didn't tell anyone. I wasn't leaving him out, I was leaving everyone out. We knew that this had to be for US. There was no way that everyone could have been there and we didn't want them to feel bad that they couldn't, so we just decided not to invite anyone.
Well, married life has been treating me well for the few days that I've been living it. Let me tell you, this chick is rad! She reminds me of Shannon of Safehouse glory.
Joey (Pooba): Read the latest stuff on today. Good stuff. Maybe you can add something about this on my page? Who knows?
Jens: I think I fell in love with her when she told me that her favorite movie was Mallrats, then proceeded to quote lines from it. PS - Crimson Skies for XBox is GasWars 1930:) It's Percy from Adventure! You get to shoot down Zeppelins! Plus, you can dogfight online too!
Ken: Your lazy ass STILL hasn't called me.
Last note: When you leave home for awhile, you find out REAL quick who your real friends are. They call you, ask you what's up, tell you what's going on at home and just say Hi! I think I have about 4 friends.
(520) 370-9736 Feel free to call, I love the attention :-P
Ciao all, until next time. Be good, be bad, just be.