Actually, there have been many attempts to suggest ties between September 11th and Saddam, to gain more support for the war. I think a lot of focus, at least in the media's spin, is that Saddam is a threat to us on our soil. He's far more of a threat to his own people. I'd love to see Saddam removed. But, how much of an investment is America willing to make? Is this going to be like our hunt for Bin Laden, where the news just fades out? Saddam is already in hiding, and it's not clear if he's dead or not. Whether Saddam is killed, tried, or simply removed from the scene, how much care are we going to put into Iraq? Are our troops going to remain stationed there, like in Germany, Japan or Bosnia, or are they going to be shipped off to fight the next tyrannt in the infamous "Axis of Evil"? Where does this end?
Yes, it's great that the US is taking action against a tyrannt, which is different from our history with Stalin, Polpot, and countless others who even once had our support. But where is the line drawn? What about the ungodly warcrimes in the Balkans, in Africa? Rape camps, genocide? Don't those warlords and governments deserve the same attention Iraq is getting? Is it our duty to play big brother to all these nations?
I know the Iraqi people are rejoicing in the streets of their nation that tastes freedom bit by bit. There is anarchy with looters and overexcited but destructive celebrations, but our troops are there to help bring some resemblence of order. I've seen their undeniably relieved and happy faces on the news, smashing and destroying icons of Saddam and cheering our troops -our friends, our family, our generation. But are we being told everything about this situation? Why Iraq? Why now? With such energy, such hurry? Why, while we boast freedom and democracy for the opressed, are our civil liberties being challenged here?
I'd love to see Saddam removed. But, how much of an investment is America willing to make? Is this going to be like our hunt for Bin Laden, where the news just fades out? Saddam is already in hiding, and it's not clear if he's dead or not. Whether Saddam is killed, tried, or simply removed from the scene, how much care are we going to put into Iraq? Are our troops going to remain stationed there, like in Germany, Japan or Bosnia, or are they going to be shipped off to fight the next tyrannt in the infamous "Axis of Evil"? Where does this end?
Yes, it's great that the US is taking action against a tyrannt, which is different from our history with Stalin, Polpot, and countless others who even once had our support. But where is the line drawn? What about the ungodly warcrimes in the Balkans, in Africa? Rape camps, genocide? Don't those warlords and governments deserve the same attention Iraq is getting? Is it our duty to play big brother to all these nations?
I know the Iraqi people are rejoicing in the streets of their nation that tastes freedom bit by bit. There is anarchy with looters and overexcited but destructive celebrations, but our troops are there to help bring some resemblence of order. I've seen their undeniably relieved and happy faces on the news, smashing and destroying icons of Saddam and cheering our troops -our friends, our family, our generation. But are we being told everything about this situation? Why Iraq? Why now? With such energy, such hurry? Why, while we boast freedom and democracy for the opressed, are our civil liberties being challenged here?
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