Oct 11, 2004 07:44
So, i'm still sick, I hopefully can get in to the dr's today. *sigh* Yesterday *really* sucked because 1) I found out something...and it shouldn't bother me, but it does kind of I guess. ... Jose's got a girlfriend, so now i'm just like.."UGH" not there any more?? I don't know. She's *really* nice though..and she's Pretty =) They look *cute* together!! He had her over <<< there last night...I was there for a little while but Lalo was bein' a dick so I left, of course. *sigh* I feel *SO* bad...it sucks SO much ass...and I'm *SO* worried about getting Anslyn sick. because when she gets sick she gets *SICK* ya know?? It scares me *SO* bad. She's healthy but once she gets something..she's got it ya know? my fever kind of went away I guess...it wasn't high enough to do anything, only 98 but still. I can't sleep....UGH it sucks! Anyway, short update cuz I feel like SHIT so I'm done..lovez you pplz