Star Trek fanfiction recs: K/S

Aug 02, 2020 12:30

Okay, so, my rec list got so big I decided to split based on ship. Since K/S was my first pairing in this fandom (and still probably my favorite), I have the most recs for them. My favorite K/S is found on this page. See the other page for other pairings as well as all of my favorite gen and friendship fics. I did put Kirk-Spock friendship centric ones here, though, rather than there.

Non-AU Series:

ldq uo;Observations” by anon-j-anon
Pairings: Kirk/Spock, side Scotty/Uhura
Synopsis: First Officer Spock comments on life aboard the Enterprise and his service under Captain James T. Kirk.

Note: This is my favorite fic of all time. No, seriously. It's 1000+ pages long, but do not let the novel length scare you. This fic tells the story of the 5 year mission, retelling episodes from the original series with clever, unexpected twists and exploring the full richness of the Trekverse in a depth few fics dare. Though the emotional heart of the story is Kirk and Spock's (realistic, complicated, and slow!) progression from awkward friends to mutual respect to the loves of eachother's lives, there are a plethra of side plotlines equally compelling. Kirk training Sulu and Uhura to be future captains, Uhura and Spock's beautiful friendship, Kirk and Uhura's growing friendship, McCoy and Spock, Chekhov coming of age...the list goes on. Also, nerd that I am, I loved both the literature and the sci-references (FTW!). If you are a science person (which I am not), you will appreciate anon-j-anon's accuracy and detail, too. A must read.

“Atlas” by AngelBaby1
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Synopsis:Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning.

Note: This one is a classic for the pairing, so chances are you have already read it if you are a K/S shipper Well, if you haven' it is. It picks off quickly from where the movie ended. Though I have a few nitpicky qualms about it,these qualms are minor and in no way lessened my enjoyment of the fic. Her Spock voice is unusually good, and their slow progression to soulmates over the course of their first few missions feels authentic and real. This is is also the piece of work that got me hooked on fanfiction:)

"Don't Stop Believing" by kianspo
Pairing: Starts out Pike/Spock, then Spock/Uhura, and finally Kirk/Spock
Summary:The story follows Spock from his own days as a cadet at Starfleet Academy to the ‘present day’ when he’s Kirk’s first officer and the Enterprise is on its five-year mission. Essentially, the story of Spock’s first real love followed by the story of him finding the love of his life. Ad astra per aspera.

Note: Still working my way through this one, but so far I'm loving it. Spot on characterization!

"Home" by the-physicist
Pairing: eventual Kirk/Spock, mentions of Spuhura.
summary: Jim is heading towards a personal crisis. Their mission is vitally important: to find a new home world for the Vulcan race in the face of alien opposition. Soon it is clear that there is only one planet that will do. To secure the mysterious planet Jim must play his hand perfectly, but guilt at not having been able to save Vulcan and the responsibilities of captaining the Enterprise are wearing him down. Determined to be professional, he forces loneliness upon himself until a kiss he shares with his first officer changes everything.

Note: Great action/dark adventure fic. Some of the dialogue could be lifted right out of an episode. Definitely one of my faves.

“The T'hy'la Chronicles” by SpirkTrekker42
Synopsis:These stories cover what happens before, during, and after the ST: XI movie, but with a slashy twist! Also included is Kirk and Spock's last adventure of the five year mission.Many hardships befall the bonded couple on when captured by Overlords on a homophobic planet. Finally, Kirk and Spock's relationship is tested once again when they decide to adopt a young Vulcan/Romulan female hybrid named Saavik.

Note: The thing is,“happily married with kids” fics, from any pairing,can be hit or miss. I like my fics gritty. This one does it well. Despite all the hardships that the pair go through (especially in the first fic), their relationship is written to be very sweet and tender in the face of all the chaos. Check out SpirkTrekker42's other work,too. I really like this writer in general.

“Breaking Points” by ragdoll987
Pairings: Kirk/Spock, mentions of previous Spock/Uhura and TOS!Spock/TOS!Kirk
Summary:When the Enterprise is asked to transport Vulcan colonists to their new home, Spock Prime comes with them.  His presence changes everything - and leads to life-altering revelations for Jim and Spock.  A story about growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings.

Note:One of the first fics that I ever read for this pairing. I've read many fics that involve SpockPrime spending time on the Enterprise, but this one stands out in my mind.

The Ending Has Not Yet Been Written” by corpus-invictus
Synopsis:Fulfills many prompts on the ST XI kink meme, but the overlying theme of the story is a ST XI spin on what happened in the years after the five year mission was completed. Much of it is inspired by the original motion picture, though that exact sequence of events won't be happening here.

Note: Everything by this writer is gold. These stories follow the crew after the five year mission ends, the family is split up, and they all go their separate ways. As in the motion picture, Spock makes the decision to purge his emotions and Kirk eventually follows him to convince him to change his mind. Incredibly sad at parts, but with a deeply heartwarming ending.

"Essence" by Hitokiri Musei
Summary:There are many words that encompass the relationship that they have, but only one constant; they will never leave each other. A word of the week series, warnings in chapters, but mostly K/S.
Note: Each chapter is based off random words in a dictionary. Better than it sounds. Warning for (eventual) main character death and mpreg, which I normally hate with a PASSION but let slide this one time.

"Two Summers” by anon-j-anon
Pairing: K/S, Scotty/Uhura
Synopsis:"Jim wakes up, sob tearing through him like a chainsaw slicing into the bark xylem heartwood.  Chest aching, heart thudding unevenly through his ribcage and in his ears." NOT a sequel to “Observations.”

Note: WARNING!!!! I know that I like my fics on the angsty side, but this one is by far the most brutal on the page. I almost didn't recommend it because it's so intense and might upset some people, but I personally believe in pathos, and the redemptive power of art to strike our hearts to empathy through tragedy.  I thought that it was a dead fic, but anon-j-anon updated literally a few days before I originally put this list up. Even if she never finishes it, it is a collection of isolated musings, not really plot driven, so if she gives it up again, there really isn't an “ending” to be gotten to.

"Silver Lining" by Amanda Warrington
Summary:Spock is still in a relationship with Uhura when he experiences his first Pon Farr. At his first officer's request, Kirk diverts the Enterprise to New Vulcan so he can marry T'Pring, who survived Vulcan's destruction. However, when Spock gets there, he finds his wedding doesn't go according to plan. This is Pon Farr with a reboot twist.

"Hearts and Minds" by lah_mrh
Summary:When the Enterprise encounters a ship caught in the Nexus, their rescue attempt beams aboard someone unexpected; Kirk Prime. Kirk and Spock are forced to confront what their counterparts' relationship might mean for their own.
Note: One of the first K/S fics I ever read. Still stands out in my mind.

Alternate Universe:

“Leave No Soul Behind” by whochick
Summary: If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind.

Note: A dark AU in which Nero is terrorizing the universe and the cast are EPAS working to hold on to some sense of sanity in a war threatening to rip the galaxy apart from the inside out.A more militaristic interpretation of the Trekverse, it's mainly an serious drama story with romance on the backburner, and a must read if you like action.

"Tangled Destinies" by Keira Marcos
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Sarek/Amanda
Summary: Spock convinces his father to move to Earth after refusing to bond with T’Pring. The consequences of this change the dynamics of his family and sets him on the path that will lead him directly to James Kirk.

Note: Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers. It's in an alternate universe where Jim is part-Betazoid, is adopted by Pike, and the boys initially encounter eachother at boarding school. Creative, touching, and spot on. And I have a huge weakness for high school AUs.

“The Sky Was Made for Us Tonight” by waketosleep
Summary: The Vulcans thought that humans in space, unsupervised, would be too much for the galaxy to handle. And that was before Jim Kirk came along.

Note: An AU dystopia fic, where our boys meet as prisioners of a totalitarian Vulcan empire. Though the entire galaxy has changed (and the background of the people along with it) the characters still feel like the exact same people they are in the original verse. Great execution of an AU.

“Foundations” by notboldly
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, with some Kirk/Gary Mitchel and Kirk/Other
Synopsis: Amanda only wanted what was best for her son, and after Sarek’s death, she was certain that Vulcan was not it. However, she had never expected it to be Iowa either, or rather, a poor little boy from Riverside.

Note: starts out as kid!fic with Kirk and Spock meeting as children. Follows their lives as childhood best friends, to their separation as teenagers, and ultimately, reunion at the academy. The author is still in progress of posting as of now, but I don't think we need to worry about it ending as a WIP as he or she appears to have already finished it and is posting regularly in chunks.

"Symphony for the Stars and Planets" by singingtime
Summary: An AU where the gang are all kids in a high school band. Kirk is a hot-stuff trumpet player. Spock's the serious first violinist. They fall in love. There's a very sweeet Uhura-Spock friendship in this one, too.

"Drifters" by t_hy_la
Summary:Based on a kink-meme prompt:Post apocalypse, mirror world. Featuring pirate/bandit/bounty hunter with dubious morals Kirk and serene/beautiful/cruel bottom!Spock who kills with his brain. Enough said. Incredible writing.

“Whispering Words” by Kerchan
Synopsis:Inspired by another prompt, Nero captures Winona's shuttle and raises Kirk as his own. At 22, Kirk is sent to Starfleet Academy as a spy. Because Nero knows that Jim is suppose to have an epic friendship with Spock, Kirk is tasked with pretending to be Spock's friend and then betraying him to Nero. But he grows attached to Spock and Bones and his Academy friends and along the way he finds out the truth about his parents, or his history with Spock from another universe from Spock Prime, or both. So, conflicting loyalties? Falling in love with a Vulcan he was brought up to hate? And then maybe Spock finds out Kirk was suppose to be a traitor and is heartbroken?

Note: prompt pretty much summed it up. Incredibly well written and gripping. I normally don't rec WIPs, but this one was so good I made an exception. It does, however, appear to be a dead fic.

"The Laundry Verse" by scraplove
Summary:Link to the first installment of a series of one-shots about the boys meeting in modern day San Francisco and their lives from that point on.

Shorter Series:

“Long Standing Union” by what-alchemy
Summary:At 103, Jim knows he can’t go through another pon farr

Note: Okay, I swear I did not realize how much I liked sad stories until I started writing out my list,but this one is more about life than death. This is the first fic I have found that deals with reboot! Jim and Spock in their early 100's. The core of the fic is the fact that though Jim has grown old (and will soon die) Spock is only middle aged, and will either have to take another bondmate, or die prematurely. Very bittersweet and moving.

***“Bitter Glass” by killa
Pairings: Kirk and Spock friendship (background Spock/OC, David/Saavik)
Synopsis:A story about regrets and second chances. Faced with the news of Kirk's death in Generations, Spock tells the story of a thirty-year friendship that defied all categorization. (Crossover with Star Trek: TNG) Originally posted in 1996.

Note: In my original list, I put this under gen and NOT the K/S section, because even though I found it on a slash site, this can be read as a friendship fic. It's more about them being soulmates than being lovers, and I read them as platonic. This is a very close second behind “Observations” as perhaps my favorite fic of all time, but be warned-this is not a happy story. It is very, very beautiful, but utterly broke my heart.

" Within Reach” by littlebirdtoldme
Pairing: K/S
Synopsis:Four years into the Enterprise's voyage, Spock dies in a transporter accident on a routine mission. Jim slowly falls apart and develops an unhealthy obsession that, ultimately, brings Spock back. 
Now when Spock is back, all should be well, except everyone thinks Jim needs a psychiatrist, Uhura thinks he's an asshole, and Jim is getting really tired of repeating that Spock and he love each other, but not like that.

Note: I love this fic without even really knowing why. Kirk is a bit OOC in a few lines, but setting that aside, his grief for Spock touched me deep inside and their reunion is incredibly moving. Also, as much as love bisexualslut!Kirk, I like the idea of super-straight!Kirk slowly figuring out he might not be so straight later in life, because that route is not often explored in fic.

* *“First Contact” by this_i_love
Pairing: Kirk/Spock, implied Kirk/Gary Mitchell
Summary:A false accusation at Starfleet Academy brings Jim & Spock together

Note: It was great to find an origin story for TOS Kirk and Spock for a change. It's an Academy fic with TOS!characterization of a younger, more serious Kirk than we see in the reboot; an angle that I really liked. I especially enjoyed the subtle jealousy between Gary and Spock. It also works well as a short of “prequel” to “Where No Man Has Gone Before,” and puts an interesting spin on that episode.

"How High the Moon" by kyliselle
Summary:After the destruction of Vulcan, Spock shielded his mind to protect it from his broken bond with T'Pring. Little did he know another bond had already formed in its place. For a st_xi_kink prompt for soulbonding.


l dquo;Small Steps” by anamatics
Pairing: Kirk and Spock friendship
Summary: To have what they had, Jim Kirk realizes it will take baby steps.

Note: Picks up directly where the movie left off, leading up to Spock's decision to become Jim's first officer.

Taking the Slow Path(We'll Get There in the End” by black-eyed girl
Pairings: pre-slash Kirk and Spock (but I'm putting here instead of under “gen”) and Spock/Uhura in the beginning.
Summary:They're not friends yet. That takes time, more than a few really disastrous missions, two anniversaries, and quite a lot of bloodshed. Jim's never been the patient type.

Note: It's pre-slash that never gets past the “pre”, so if you like smut or just the luvs, skip this one. I nearly put it under "gen." But reconsider: the characterization is perfect. This Kirk and Spock are intense, they have an awkward relationship, and they are not friends. But sloooowly they grow to trust eachother, and there are small, subtle moments of bonding that give them each a lot of character depth. The background crew is great, too.

One Shots:

"In Silence You Can't Hide Anything" by jaylee1
Summary: Lovely, sweet one-shot. Nothing in his life had ever been so powerful, or so wonderful, nor so dire all at once

"Memento Mori(Remember You Are Mortal)" by scraplove
Summary:Shortly after officially becoming captain of the Enterprise, Jim begins having dreams of his death, all different ways, but every time, he is with Spock, and at peace with the situation. As time goes on, he has more and more dreams, and falls more and more in love with Spock.

"Red and Green" by Avada Cait-davra
Summary: a mission gone horribly wrong. One shot.

"Carving Out A Moment" by nix_this
Summary:Kirk/Spock. Established relationship. Kirk spends a not-so-busy day on the bridge getting constantly distracted by thoughts of Spock. Memories, fantasies, I-can't-wait-tills, all of the above. Maybe it's been a while since they've had any time to themselves and the constant interruptions (work, people showing up at inopportune moments) are driving Kirk nuts...And then finally their shifts end and Kirk persuades Spock to not do whatever else he was thinking of doing, and they Make Everyone Else Go Away, and fun sexytimes happen.

star trek, fanfiction, slash

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