Hey guys, and welcome back to the Tarvok Patriarchacy! Last time around, Jon and Bev grew up once, De grew up twice, Sy was born and grew up twice, Jason and Christy Tried for a Baby again, people passed out, and everyone was a clone of Jon except Bev.
I’ve decided that all of the children are going by nicknames now.
Also, shown here is the annoying glitchy shower that hated me and stayed looking broken even after De fixed it.
We start off right here, with Christy’s first baby bump. (those are the cakes left over from De and Sy’s birthdays) I was really shocked, because I hadn’t played in a month (all of the pictures here are in one playing session, on March 2) and didn’t remember the Try for a Baby towards the end of Chapter 3.
I finally broke down and got the Tarvoks a TV. Now, who’s watching the Pleasants argue?
Jon! Since Bev was the only child to inherit Jason’s 1 serious point, the other kiddos’ fun needs plummet faster than hers. That’s one reason I like Bev.
I changed Sy into his everyday clothes so I could see what he’d grown up in. I’m not all that fond of it.
Much better :3
The next day, the teens did exactly what I wanted them to do and brought home SimSelf 2.0’s aged up child. This is Olivia. Please excuse her for being creepy looking; she doesn’t mean to be D:
They also brought home the aged-up Reaper Child of my BFF’s SimSelf. Her name is Tifa. She actually came over once or twice when she was a child, but I didn’t put the pictures in.
Also, she seems to have lost her face.
Yes, she’s named after the FF7 character. My BFF loves Final Fantasy and expressed a desire of naming her son Cloud. When she had a girl in-game, I selected a random female character from FF7 and named her that.
Much better :D
Isn’t she pretty? Those eyes can look creepy on some people, but they look nice on her.
Sorry for the wall down in the background; I didn’t realize it had happened.
I truly, honestly have no idea why Tifa is thinking about adoption.
Yess. Everything is going exactly as planned.
Looks like Sy brought home someone, too! This is one of SimSelf 1.0’s 9 children, Sheeri.
In Hebrew, Shiri means “my song” or “song of my soul” and Sheera means “song”. Hebrew names are pretty :3
Sy: “I love you, little teddy bear. You’re my best friend in the whole wide world. No one else ever wants to talk to me, so you’re all I have.”
Sheeri: *creep*
Meanwhile, De decided that outside was just the place to put her homework, so that’s where she does it.
De: “It’s more fun to do it out here.”
I’m sure it is.
In Jason’s shopping trip towards the end of Chapter 3, he got Christy new clothes, too. Yay for TNG uniforms!
Jason is command just because. Christy is command because she’s the matriarch of this house.
That night, though, she gets her second baby bump. Yay!
The next day, De was rolling wants to be friends with SimSelf 1.0’s son (and Sheeri’s twin, thanks to force twins) Camden. (I believe they met last chapter) He asked if he could bring a friend, and he brought his half-sister Marie.
SimSelf 1.0’s family tree is confusing. And I’m always mixing up Marie and Sheeri.
Holy frick Camden is so freaking adorable I’m in love with him so much alskdjfaskldfasd
Here’s Marie. Can you tell Marie and Camden are from different dads?
While De is chatting with Camden, Whathisface Broke stops by and heart-farts her. Sorry, dude. De’s not into blonds.
Oh yeah, I looked up her LTW and it’s to reach the top of the Slacker career.
Jason: “I’m being greeted when I come home from work! YES!”
It’s just because it’s Saturday.
Jason: “Shhh. You’re ruining the moment.”
Shortly after Jason comes home from his job, Bev heads off to hers. If you remember, her LTW is to reach the top of the Business career. She hasn’t needed much micromanagement, so I got her the job.
Bev: “I’m in the car already. You can stop honking your horn.”
Carpool Lady: *honk honk honk*
Whoops. Totally wasn’t paying attention to her needs.
Of course, directly afterwards, this happened.
I’m a terrible Simmer.
Later that day, though, she went into labor. YES. FINALLY.
This pregnancy was a little better than her others, but it still wasn’t the best.
Everybody chant with me now!
Aaand here we have it! Archer “Archie” Tarvok! He got the S2 skintone, his parents’ red hair, and his momma’s eyes.
Those are the same genetics Jon, De, and Sy have. If he’s another Jon-clone, SO HELP ME GOD…
Hey, Jon. What’s up?
Jon: “I have a baby brother.”
I can see that, Jon.
Jon: “Family Sim :DDDDDD”
Christy has the most creativity points - I forget how many - so I’ve designated her as the family portrait painter.
I’m glad for the “Paint Still Life” option. It makes painting portraits so much easier.
Aaand the next day, I sent Jason Downtown to but the clothes I’d forgotten to get with Jason.
Apparently this girl, Nicole Thompson, works at both 330 Main Street uptown and Cold Issue Clothing downtown. I still think she’s cute.
Old Lady won. Everyone was cheering for her, anyways.
Not only does Dirk Dreamer wave to Jon as Jon is leaving in the taxi, he simultaneously thinks about Jon and money. Hm.
The fruits of Jon’s shopping. Jon’s new Everyday clothes…
…Christy’s new PJs and her invisible mop…
…De’s new Everyday…
…Sy’s new Everyday…
why, yes, I do like that shirt.
…Jon’s new PJs, as he does part of my jazz routine…
…Bev’s new PJs…
she looks creepy here. her nose looks like Voldemort’s.
…and Bev’s new Everyday.
My attempt here was to get the guys wearing green and the girls wearing purple. I didn’t like any of the purple options for Bev, so I got her this. The jeans are purple-ish, right?
Jon has the second-most Creativity points in the family, and I also appointed him as a portrait painter. Why?
Guess whose birthday is today.
I was really surprised when the notification popped up for his birthday. I really didn’t think he was that old already! This is a bit sad. I haven’t been playing TS2 for very long, and he’s only my fourth Sim to age to elder. The first three were Darren Dreamer, Daniel Pleasant, and Mary-Sue Pleasant, so they didn’t really matter. But this… D:
Jason didn’t really change much from Adult to Elder.
I love Bev’s expression in the background. “If I just close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, I don’t have a dad who’s an Elder already. It’s okay, Bev. Calm down.”
By staying in the same spot, I managed to get this lovely picture of Jason.
Somehow, when I made him, I managed to not notice that he had a tiny nose and thin lips. That’s how the atrocities that are his children’s noses and Bev’s lips happened. D:
Jason’s old hair really didn’t suit him as an elder, so I gave him a makeover.
Jason: “Vulcan hair and a Riker beard? Really?”
I may hate Riker with a living passion, but the beard looks good on you. And, yes, Vulcan hair.
Was his neck like that before and I never noticed it, or was it normal and now it’s just been enhanced with age?
Hey there, Karen Gast! Long time no see! Whatcha been up to?
Karen: “Meh. Peeing on other people’s barfy toilets, as usual.”
That’s delightful!
Bev: “I’m so alone. FML.”
De and Jon: “LOL talk talk talk oblivious talk talk lolol”
Sy: “Hey! Wait for me! D:”
Later, one of the teens bring home yet another one of SimSelf 1.0’s children, James Barrett. He’s the only teen in his house, and I mostly ignore him. Here, everyone was busy, so I sent him home.
Go away, James Barrett, nobody likes you.
Another cake! You know what this means!
It’s Archie’s birthday!
Everybody chant with me now:
Hm. He might be a little different facially. Let’s look at his personality.
I did give him a makeover, though, with different hair than his two brothers. That hair is binned red, even though it looks blond.
Aaaand of course he grows up in pink pajamas.
Oh look, it’s SimSelf 1.0! She looks nothing like me, but makes cute children! (mostly)
Hellooo Aspiration Fodder Jones!
Bev: “Will you Go Steady with me?”
Orlando: “If I say no, will your brother beat me up?”
Bev: “Yes. My little sister, too.”
Orlando: “Of course I’ll Go Steady with you, Bev!”
Doing this with your mom sleeping on the couch isn’t creepy at all. Nope, nope, nope.
But hey, she got the memory!
Orlando: “If I can just sneak in here and put the flowers down…”
Bev: “Hey, Orlando.”
Orlando: “Crap.”
Awh :3
Here’s a picture with less creepy eyes.
Aaand this is what happens when De (or what is Bev?) tries to cook right before she goes to school.
Jason: “You disgust me, fire.”
I’d never had a fire with a toddler in the house before, so I didn’t know about the Carry Away interaction. So cute!
Yes, I did have a fire alarm installed, so everything was okay.
Wait a minute.
Jon, why aren’t you at school?
Jon: “I was watching TV.”
Go to school.
Jon: “The school bus already left. I can’t.”
There are other ways to get to school besides the school bus.
Jon: “…you wouldn’t.”
I would.
Jon, this is your new truck. Have fun!
Jon: “I hate you.”
Good to know.
Wait… what’s this here for?
Thanks for reading! Up next: more birthdays, more passing out, and whatever’s going on with that child services van! Heir poll to be going up on Boolprop.
CC Credits
Idolatry of Freckles - Pale by ganchi
Model N - Brown by AlfredAskew
Hair (Adult):
Myos 25 Retexture by SimKitty181
Hair (Elder):
Hair for Vulcans and Romulans by NixNivis
Clothes (Adult):
Star Trek uniforms ("The Next Generation" version) - Command by NixNivis
Idolatry of Flesh default replacements - S3 by ganchi (original by HystericalParoxysm)
Plain Jane Defaults - Blue by AlfredAskew
Hair 30 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)
Star Trek uniforms ("The Next Generation" version) - Command by NixNivis
Secret Weapons - Sleepwear Six-Pack ("Lullaby") by bruno
Idolatry of Freckles - Pale by ganchi
Model N - Brown by AlfredAskew
Hair 24 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)
Thermal PJs for Teens by bruno
Idolatry of Freckles - Light by ganchi
Plain Jane Defaults - Blue by AlfredAskew
Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages by fanseelamb
TW Teen Collection - Part 7 - 18 untuckables for boys by krehata
Teen Boys Pyjamas- Maxis Recolour by andracrab
Idolatry of Freckles - Light by ganchi
Plain Jane Defaults - Blue by AlfredAskew
Hair 42 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page)
Idolatry of Freckles - Light by ganchi
Plain Jane Defaults - Blue by AlfredAskew
Short Tousled Hair for Boys of All Ages by fanseelamb
set of 8 striped jumpers for the boys by thegirlsaregreat
Sheepish Flannel Pajamas by fakepeeps7
Idolatry of Freckles - Light by ganchi
Plain Jane Defaults - Blue by AlfredAskew
YUO22 Blazer male by YU
And now for the guests!
Olivia SimSelf:
Retexture of Coolsims Hair 84 by Caiza; not sure about the eyes but probably the light blue from
Plain Jane Defaults by AlfredAskew;
Sentate's Cassandra Goth Revisited- Preg Morphs and Teen Conversions by kalynn06
Tifa Simself:
Hair 31 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page);
Crystal Eyes by MarioSims!
Sheeri Faith:
Hair 24 by Anto (it’s at the bottom of the page);
Peasant Blouses by fakepeeps7;
Butterfly Tops & Denim Leggings by fakepeeps7 (the leggings, obviously)
Camden Faith: Somebody’s retextured version of Coolsims Hair 55;
set of 8 striped jumpers for the boys by thegirlsaregreat
Marie Faith:
Nouk's own haircut! Curly ponytail for ladies of all ages! by (who else) Nouk;
Peasant Blouses by fakepeeps7;
Butterfly Tops & Denim Leggings by fakepeeps7 (the leggings, obviously)
Dirk Dreamer:
Hunkalicious Button-Neck Tops by fanseelamb; unknown jeans by fanseelamb (they came with Spider Jerusalem Vetinari)
James Barrett Faith:
"Cherub" Curly Hair for Males (All Ages!) by HystericalParoxysm
Annamarie Faith (SimSelf 1.0):
Nouk's Hair Blonde Recolors - With and Without Bangs by lavsm;
Grey sweater dress by sga_girl