Title: Under Your Light is the Reason I'm Here (Kimi to Iu Hikari no Shita ni Ore ga Iru Riyuu)
Circle: Radistar
Pairing: AoKise
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 53
Notes: beware of angsty AoKise~~
Soooo this is Radistar's longer work. Can anyone say 'cliffhanger'? I seriously read to the end and was like, "Wha...WHAT?! NOOO you can't leave me there!!!" ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ
Radistar...well as always her art is pretty and polished even if her characters seem...pointy? angled? Not sure how to describe her style. "Shininess" is definitely there though.
This is a really serious story, which is unlike her usual PWPs, which follows a Kise who was unloved through childhood, who didn't really care if he had to sell his body, and how he changes into someone who wants to stop that. The perpetrator of that change is Aomine, who Kise looks up to, wants to be with, feels normal with...oh Kise, somehow the fact he doesn't cry makes my heart go out to him even more.
We have Haizaki here too, being his regular bastard self, to top off hidden-strength!Kise and obliviously-nice!Aomine. I hope the others make more of an appearance too, later on in the story (because I'll probably be buying the second part too)...
Get it here:
Part 1,
Part 2, and
Part 3