Title: Restraint
Circle: USAMI
Pairing: AoKise, Kuro-->Kise
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 19
Notes: haha so Kuroko being assertive, Aomine being kind of thoughtful and sweet, and hints of Kise in bondage. The art isn't bad, really - it's pretty clean and simple - the faces are drawn a bit rounder than usual and Kuroko's hair is...hmm...but otherwise it's a pretty cute and kinky story ♥
The ending is really cute...and lol Aomine and Kise's exchanges were pretty IC, I thought. I *did* think that Aomine telling Kuroko off was a teeny bit strange. I mean, I can understand alpha-male trying to ward off another male on his territory...but geez this is Kuroko, who by all accounts should be closer to Aomine than Kise. Honestly I don't think he could have told Kuroko off so calmly. Kuroko too, I didn't think would just go up and announce that he was interested in Kise...LOL I think Kuroko's sneakier than that. I think he would also try to avoid any conflict with Aomine, since it seems he knows that Aomine and Kise are going out...
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Part 1 and
Part 2