Title: Kuroko felt like watching a scary movie so I came but for some reason I was summoned back (Kuroko ga Kowai Eiga wo Mitagaru Kara Koi to Naze ka Ore ga Shoukan Saretassu)
Circle: bairin
Pairing: KagaKise + Kuroko
Rating: G cuz nothing happens...oh fine, PG
Pages: 18
Notes: So yeah this was kind of a gag one that was still really cute. Kise is so adorable haha
So yeah this one was kind of cute because lol throw Kuroko in the bunch and somehow suddenly it all becomes crack. I guess it's entirely in contrast with the other work she did that I also bought, which is 110% serious. I really love Kise and Kagami's expressions in here (their freaked out expressions). Even if there's not really any action watching them panic is funny (lol that sounds so sadistic hahaha).
Get it here on Mediafire:
Part 1 and
Part 2.