Title: the world in the box
Circle: AMAOh!
Pairing: KagaKuro
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 20
Notes: Uhhh yeah another PWP BUT at least this one is cuter than all the rest. Kuroko looks really delicate here...but then again, Kagami looks more delicate than he usually does too. I really like her use of shading and the the thinness of her lines. It's different, somehow...
Haha I love how Kuroko's very deadpan about all of this. It fits with his character (duh). But I gotta say...the funniest has still got to be the ending of the first part...poor Izuki, just go and gouge your eyes out now. What you can see, you can never unsee...
Here on Mediafire in 2 parts:
Part 1Part 2 I also tried cramitin's cloud sharing site for the first time:
secondary mirror here [EDIT:
smaller version on Mediafire here.]
Basically I'm just ganking recs from
persiii's youtube page now...SO SHORT BUT SO GOOOOD~~
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