Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("A lost kitty" by Matsumoto Uruko)

Jul 27, 2012 06:47

Title: A lost kitty
Circle: Matsumoto Uruko
Fandom: Kuroko no Basket
Pairing: Aomine/Kagami
Rating: NC-17
Notes: what really annoys me are the eyes. They either look like everyone has a) mascara, or b) have been punched in the face regularly through the book. Oh the lip shading kind of irritates me too.

Soooo yeah. The art isn't spectacular and neither is the story, really...I *am* interested enough to want to see where it's going, though, so hopefully I can catch the same girl at NatsuComi. And scout out other AoKaga peoples, because this pairing is rapidly becoming my new OTP (just see my tumblr here).

I dunno. I think it's unrealistic that Kagami would cry. I think Aomine can only push him around because he lets him. But it seems despite fun smexy times, Aomine tripped a wire this time. Oh, just have gratuitous make-up smex already~

Download here on Mediafire at 77 MB.


Ahahaha I totally remember the HijiKaza version of this. Dun cry, Kise - your abusive relationship will be back to normal soon~

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aokaga, doujinshi, aokaga dj, kuroko dj, kuroko

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