Reborn Doujinshi: "Sweet 10th 5" Anthology

Mar 16, 2010 00:55

(hey I'm not dead!!! :D)

Title: Sweet 10th 5
Circle: various
Pairings: various
Rating: NC-17 (NWS for sure)
Pages: 195, lets say
Notes: I did double seems I haven't missed any pages, at least. Tell me if anything is blurred or weird, I'll switch it out ASAP.

There wasn't any particular one I liked in this Sweet 10th anthology - I have the rest of them, it's just taking me a while to scan them (as you can imagine). They end at, what, Sweet 10th vol. 7?

For the most part this had more Byakuran (his cameos seem to proliferate with every volume...), and less of the other people. The Hage one was pretty awesome, if tragically short. I've always loved her style of crack. The one she did here actually wasn't Xanxus/Squalo for once.

As for the Cotton Candy and the Nikushoku...old favorites. Even if I have the books already themselves, admittedly I still bought the anthology in hopes that it was something different. I do love these authors so.

Otherwise, I apologize - I've actually had this scanned for a good half year. I just changed computers and got a full-time job too, hey I'm sure you're not reading all of this, so here ya go:

Tell me if Mediafire doesn't work for you!

Mediafire: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

And also tell me if you want better scans or want to scanlate, etc. I still have the old originals, and am perfectly okay with rescanning a couple of crooked pages. Until next time...

reborn, reborn dj, doujinshi, doujinshi anthology

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