Title: Noushuku YamaGoku 200%
Circle: various (but not limited to Apricot Guns, dkb, Nikushoku Shounen, Yamanoue Sai, Uraste, etc)
Pairing: 8059
Rating: NC-17
Pages: 193 comic + 10 picture gallery
Well. The moment I saw this at BookOff I wanted it. And I wasn't disappointed; I even went as far as to buy the first one off of Mandarake too (it's still being scanned/cleaned right now). This particular anthology has most of my favorite OTP artists in it, and all of them come up with ingenious and adorable ways of showing some 8059 love.
I can't say much for my favorites - there are too many - but in terms of scanning there are a couple of notes. First of all, the first part of this book used to be purple (from pages 1 to 116). And then it was pink for a while (from pages 117 to 194) through the NC-17 stuff. And then it went back to purple (from pages 195 to the end) for the image gallery at the end. So if the pink pages came out a little lighter, I do apologize.
And as always, some of the pages did come out crooked, but I did my best to not crop any dialogue by accident.
Um. I also scanned it at 500dpi, so...it came out a bit ah, HUGE. So just in case, I also put it up in two different places:
Mediafire link for part 1Mediafire link for part 2Mediafire link for part 3Mediafire link for part 4Mediafire link for part 5 Zomgupload link for part 1Zomgupload link for part 2Zomgupload link for part 3Zomgupload link for part 4Zomgupload link for part 5 Er. Enjoy.
Click to view
I remember there was a Gintama version of the second one somewhere... D: Can't remember now....