Title: Bottom of the Hell
Circle: Uki
Pairing: 339
Rating: R
Pages: 34
So, another Uki doujinshi. No gianormous anthology this time.
Her art is still really pretty. Squalo's hair is still mesmerizing. And while "Rainy Honey Moon" was mostly UST, this one definitely crosses the border into the realm of RST.
Xanxus...is every bit as caustic and respect-worthy as I think he is in the last couple of Reborn chapters. There's some sort of (dare I say) majesty in the way he takes out any and all obstacles in his way except for the ones he doesn't really want to. That feeling is totally reflected here, as is Squalo's dogged loyalty.
Oh yeah, and there's Bel. Forgot to mention him.
BASICALLY, go download it, because I for one really like this one. Find it
here on Mediafire.
I saw this and squee'd - as if the ending wasn't enough, the opening is even more precious. Plus, I just love Taiga, it's just so rare to find an anime female who can do the Evil Glare(TM) consistently through every episode.
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