Title: Rainy Honey Moon
Circle: Uki
Pairing: 8039
Rating: PG-13
Pages: 24
At first, I do admit I was a little skeptical. I actually got this one at Y-con, and it wasn't that expensive - but the cover really got me. Plus the name made me laugh, so I ended up buying it, and surprisingly enough, I wasn't disappointed.
Uki has a very sketchy feel to her work. Her 14yrs!Yamamoto is naive and endearingly attracted to Squalo, who senses the vibe but refuses to rise to the bait. And her TYL!Yamamoto is so sexy he rocks my socks off with just one searing look.
But I absolutely adore her Squalo. He preens but doesn't primp like a princess, he's proud but he knows he has limits. He pushes away when he has to, but gives leeway for his own emotions. It's such a short little doujinshi, and somehow she manages to convey so much. In a very beautiful way, of course.
So if you still want it,
it's here on Mediafire. Enjoy~
8059 Epic of Doom: on hold. Working on Shogatsu Shot fic. Promises to be pr0n-y, Gokudera POV, and historically based in the 1950s Japan. Haha.
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