Title: The Sunshine Underground
Circle: dbk
Pairing: 8059
Rating: R
Pages: 19
Ok, I'll be frank, alright? This is my favorite 8059 doujinshi that I own. Yeah, it's short, but it's just so cute. And I reeeeally love Yamamoto in this one. It just has such a slice-of-TYL-life feel to it, every aspect of it is just perfect to me.
The art is awesome - dammit, I really like dbk and I want more of her stuff, but I can't seem to find her - every expression on the characters' faces make me feel exactly how they should make me feel, according to the story. Aaah, I can't harp enough about how good this one is! Just read it and you'll see!
Ok, I reuploaded:
Mediafire link. This should work now.
Badongo link Try one of these two, and see if they don't work. Enjoy!
I guess I forgot to ask, and this is kind of late, but is anybody else other than me and
krixe going to Yaoicon?