Title: A rough sketch
Circle: FUJIKO
Pairing: mostly KagaKuro, some AoKiseKuro, MuraAka, ImaSaku
Rating: R just to be safe
Pages: 20
Notes: same person who did "
Kagami-kun hshs...". There is NO STORY in this book. It is a collection of pencil sketches.
So there's only one short little comic in here that features, um...Kuroko's fantasies of Kagami + wet and slimy snakes for Snake Year. The rest is all really really gorgeous pencil sketches, as you can see above.
God, FUJIKO just has such...precision with her bodies and poses. Her work is so solidly good. Her Kagami is very bashful XD How could anyone resist bashful!Kagami, seriously?
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here on Sendspace at 63 MB! And please tell me if you need reupload on other sites, etc.