Jun 11, 2004 13:54
Today I relized..
I want new friends.
Out of the ones I have now..
There's only a few I would keep..
Because I know they'll always be there.
I don't know who half of my real friends are..
This leaves me feeling paranoid..
I always think people hate me..
And I believe I'm right..
Most of the poeple that I think hate me..
I would really like to be friends with..
But I don't think it'll happen..
Because people leave me feeling paranoid..
I'd just rather know who my friends are..
And who the people are that really don't like me..
It would make it easyer on me..
And probably on them..
because I would make it so they no longer have to deal with me.
I'm asking people to leave what they feel about me after this post..
And I'll work from there..
SO if you would be so kind as to leave a comment..
it would be much appreciated