Feb 14, 2020 01:25
Maybe I'll write a screenplay about a bunch of old Boomer friends who get together for a reunion, maybe an annual barbeque or something. The evening is late and they are swapping stories and joking about getting "the band" back together again. Only, one of the group is more drunk or high than usual, and when one of their kids starts ragging on them about this "band" with no recordings or discernable musical taste, they let slip it was actually an underground guerilla warfare cell. Only, they were so good at it, no one ever caught them or discovered them before they got kids and spouses and moved on. So, of course, the kids don't buy the story, and to prove that they did have it and still got it, the gang set out on one final spree of militant activity, bringing the kids along. Only, the world has changed since the seventies, and being a terrorist has challenges they don't foresee. Hijinks ensue!
Probably, I'll just go to bed, though.