The magic of numbers

Nov 26, 2008 22:06

This is not a riff off of Sarah P's post about numbers the other day, though it should be.  But I'm experiencing another kind of numerical wonder: cash flow statements.

Oh yay, you say. But I've been going to this business class to learn how I can do a better job at my job so that I never have to do anything but paint and write for a living, if the fates are kind and I can help it. Last night we started studying cash flow. And, as many times before in this class, there I was, being handed a tool that helps me see precisely where I go wrong and precisely what to do to go right.

It's lovely.

Someday, if given the chance to speak at schools, I would like to warn aspiring artists and writers that they must be prepared to do the following:

1. Know as much as they possibly can about business, chemistry, physics, anatomy, history, grammar, manners, mathematics, martial arts, dance, poetry, botany, biology, geology, sex, cooking, music, color theory, mythology, at least one foriegn language, wilderness survival, and all of the great magical traditions, including that of the Bon shamans of Tibet. To start with.

2. To excercise their bodies as well as their minds.

3. To cultivate strong friendships, for, as my aunt the artist and writer says, "In our work, each day you build a bridge out over the abyss. You must have a strong net."

4. To be willing to work very hard and very long at projects that may totally fail, or totally succeed.

5. To see that fame (of any magnitude) has three purposes only: first, to help you feed yourself and your family, second, to help you enter the cultural dialogue, and third, to help you bring other artists up under the shelter of your wing.

What would you tell young artists and writers? Just curious.
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