Just thinking.

May 20, 2010 10:43

I feel frustrated a lot of the time. I want so much to be moving forward, yet it takes so long. I've talked it seeming as though I'm standing still while everyone around me goes racing by...it's infuriating. But I'm not. I'm moving and doing and everything is building toward something, but it's that someday in the distance that eludes me. Everything is there in front of me, this path I walk which will eventually take me to that next step.

But shouldn't it be bigger than this? I want to live life large, to be on top and in control. Like...I have this potential within, just bursting at the seams to be released, ready to shake the world.

I have my to-do lists for the time being, but I don't know where I'm going or where I'll end up. I feel lost all the time, yet simultaneously aware.

I think this is what being an adult is like.
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