It's not been a great week, but so it goes. Bitchfest time!

Dec 04, 2009 12:19

So I hydroplaned hardcore into the back of an SUV Tuesday night after I worked a twelve hour shift, which consisted of listening to people bitch about paint and unloading around 300 Christmas trees in the cold and rain. That was AWESOME. I'm not hurt, but my car is effed for now. Since I hit an SUV and my car went under it a little the car suffered some nasty engine damage. On the bright side, my car has held it's value and since I've paid off a good bit of the loan, if it's totaled I should get enough to pay off the rest of the loan and put a down payment on a new car. If it's repairable, then I only have to pay my $250 deductible. So it's pretty much win-win, at least from where things stand as of now.

But let's top that off with the newest drama from my extended family in Missouri, which put a big sour note on the tail end of the best Thanksgiving my family has had in about five years. For every silver lining, the storm clouds seem to get bigger!

Also, a coworker of mine who I've befriended and tried to help out here and there by hanging out with him a little and being nice to him, sent me this message the other day, basically saying he was going to kill himself. I freaked out and didn't know what to do, because he's showed many signs of being seriously depressed and lonely. Once I found out he was okay, the anger kicked in and for the indefinite future I've decided to pretty much abjure him. I don't need the burden of a grown man who's acting like an emo little sixteen year old.

Additionally, I've been really lonely because Alex has been working overnights. Our schedules are opposing, when I'm home he's asleep, and when he's home I'm asleep. Plus I feel terrible because until my car is fixed I either have to use his car, or get him or someone else to tote me around, because the one thing my insurance doesn't cover is a rental car. Sigh. I miss him a lot lately, and I miss having him to snuggle with when I go to bed. It's weird how after having someone to go to sleep next to every night, once you have to go back to sleeping alone for awhile the bed feels really empty. x_x

I thought of something yesterday though! I've noticed whenever I read something, be it a novel or whatever, I'm always picking out grammatical, punctuation, spelling, and tense errors really easily. I guess that's not really a special skill or anything, but when I notice stuff like that I want to be like, "Really? This is a nationally published book and you used the wrong from of 'their?'" Or something to that effect. Anyway, maybe I should think about changing up my major and try to be an editor. Right now, until I finally finish my associates it doesn't really matter, since I'm just doing "Liberal Arts" for the time being. But maybe...I dunno, it was a neat thought for me, since I'm so without direction. I've just had this feeling lately like I need to find something for myself, something to make me feel more complete at the end of the day and less like a listless girl in her early twenties who doesn't know what she wants to do with her life.

It'll be okay though.
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