This long post is not under an LJ cut because LJ hates me here

Sep 25, 2007 15:24

Hey there everyone, it's been a while since I've written anything down because LJ is completely shit with my connection here. For some reason it loads far slower than other sites and that's not an altogether pleasant experience after (finally) getting cable connection at home. I steal internet here now because the (only) internet port is on my roommate's side of the room--obviously it's not fair, but I can't figure out a way to configure the room so that we can comfortably share it. Luckily there's a loose school wireless connection running around that I can access :3

In other news, my classes are going moderately well. I did as well as the class average in my first Calculus quiz, but we're doing derivatives this week, so I can totally make it up on our next quiz on Thursday (the class average was just about a C, but I don't exactly want that as my grade if I want to make it into med school do I? ;]). My Japanese grade has been fluctuating from a 3 out of 10 on our first quiz to 10 out of 10s a 6 out of 10 and 8 out of tens. I think I might be pulling a B in that class and while that's fine, it's not as great as I'd like it to be so I did some hardcore Katakana studying at the library today in preparation for my quiz tomorrow ^_^

On that note, I think I'll take the time to say that library studying might become a daily thing for me because living with a roommate is not the funnest thing ever for me. I do like my alone time and after having spent so much time alone in my life (it's not as traumatic as it sounds, I think), compiled with the fact that under different circumstances, I probably wouldn't be friends with this girl despite our similarities, I don't enjoy rooming with someone. I'll share an apartment with someone, but not a room. Now, she's not a horrible person, but let's say I don't miss her too terribly when she goes home on weekends and various other days of the week (she lives in a suburb a few T stops away).

At least I can count on getting my study-time in xDDD AND it frees me up for activities in the evenings--I've joined various student groups here and and immensely enjoying my free time with other people. So far two of the groups I joined are for pre-med/ science-inclined students, but I also attend anime club on a weekly basis (unless they start showing anime I don't like), and I'm going to definitely make it to the Filipino Club this week xDD In addition to those groups, I found a group that organizes free language classes and I'm taking Korean (in fact, I should probably leave in a few minutes to make it on time to the first class >_>...), Mandarin (I don't start until Thursday), and Arabic (if they find an instructor that is >_>;; ..if not, then I obviously won't be taking the class xD). I kinda wanna take French too, but the French 1 classes either run at the same time as Korean or Mandarin or they run at a time when I'm in another club meeting so maybe next semester =\. I guess I kinda have a thing for languages, lol.

I think that's all I wanted to say. I miss talking to you all, though. I've been exploring Boston on the weekends with people and I really like the city. :3 I'm really glad I came here, because if I didn't then I wouldn't be doing anything, I think. -_-; My parents have been calling less frequently, and I think that's a good thing. If we can get it down to once a week calls I'll be fine with that xDDD

Hope your lives are going well!
♥ An
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