Aug 04, 2005 13:41
tuesday i went to look for the bradley hathaway book/cd. neither borders nor barnes and noble had it. i was very upset.
wednesday was registration. my classes are as follows:
1. GF AP LIT/COMP w/ Buchanan
2. AP STAT GIFT w/ Hannon
4. COMM PHOTO I w/ Gosnell (@ Grayson Tech.)
Fridays I just have 1st-3rd. How awesome is that?! My homeroom teacher is Mr. Crymes. Gross. I met Jennifer there because she rode with me to The Warped Tour.
That was fun. We saw so many awesome bands and some not so awesome ones. That's okay. It was fun! It was also extremely hot. Emery was truly always. They just get better and better every time i see them. dang. i love them. i'll have to post some pictures later. and the stage they were shade. it was hotter than the ground satan walks on. that's okay though. they only got to play like 6 songs. that's sad. some other things worth mentioning were the lady dancing during the kinison (she was completely wasted and it was hilarious) and the lead singer of reggie and the full effect's stripping grossness. wow. gross but amazingly funny.
i'll try to list the bands we actually saw playing more than one song. i also got a wicked awesome emery belt buckle, 3 shirts, and an enormous collection of free crap. it was pretty much an incredible day.
in the end, i left with a tan, negative 5 pounds of water weight (from the sweat), and i got to see some fricken awesome bands. Warped '05!!!!
i can't wait for my emery cd to come in!!!!
now i have to go to work.
i love you all!!!!