For some strange reason I love filling out questionnaires. I don't know why ... do you peoples remember in elementary school when you have to fill out that back part to the scary long state tests it is the questionnaire part where they ask how long you watch tv and stuff? I LOVED that part. i would rush through the unimportant things like math and spelling just to get to the questionnaire.
Yes I am a dork.
Anyway, I got this via
candy__chan. She is the coolest ^_^.
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or, your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1) How tall are you? I am 5"7'. My younger brother is 6"2' and my older sister is 5"4' ... So i guess that puts me perfect right?
2) Who was the best teacher you ever had? I would have to say my art teacher. He would challenge me to try and do something new. He would come to class in jeans and a paint stained tee-shirt, teach us for about 30 minutes, and then let us do whatever we wanted after that. I learned a lot of useful things in that class. I had him in my 9th, 11th, and 12th grade years. He was actually the last person I shook hands with at graduation. I see him now and again, and I visit his deviantart website all the time.
3) What is your dream for the future? I am getting a geology degree ... and a lot of people ask me what I want to do with that. And to tell you the truth I have no clue :p. I assume I will get a job with the USGS someday ... when I am tired of goofing around. I will be graduated in a semester or so, depending on what i need for graduation. My ultimate dream is to be a stay at home mom. I really like kids and would love nothing more than to stay at home building forts with the couch and blankets, eating cookie dough, and coloring.
4) What do you think of the game Tetris? Have you ever played that game with the little explorer guy? I loved that tetris. My family goes to the Oregon coast every other year and this last year i played that the entire way. I finally beat it! My brother had to turn it off after a while because all I could hear from his screen was the 'oomph' noise the little explorer made before he died. Haha. Other than that game I really don't play tetris all that much.
5) Favorite food? I love chicken roll-ups -- this pasta mix with alfredo sauce, fake crab, and broccoli -- Dominos pizza -- New York Burrito -- and chicken zucchini over rice. mm. I love to eat chicken, I actually prefer it over beef. I am a chocoholic, i love lick-o-sticks (i can't remember what they are called now days, but when i was little they were lick-o-sticks), and smarties ^_~. I don't really like chips, so I eat Ritz crackers in their place. Hm ... that is all I can think of. I hope you all enjoyed getting to know me a little!