
competition: free webspace (v. music videos) v2

Aug 10, 2007 02:46

Firstly, thank you so very much to everyone who participated in the competition. It was once again wonderful to see the work of such talented vidders; every music video was a joy to watch!

I realised during this competition that, in the process of all the rating and judging of videos, I'd forgotten one important fact: this competition is not just about saving someone the hassle of using free websites by providing them with a resource that allows them to easily display their efforts... it's also about encouraging vidders.

One of the reasons this competition is multi-fandom is so that everyone who participates -- whether by entering a vid or by voting for one -- can have the opportunity to see how people all over fandom are expressing their creativity. Most of the vidders I know learn by example; they see something that looks cool in another person's vid and think to themselves, hey, I can probably do something like that! and off they go to learn how to do it. Or -- conversely -- they see something they don't like and they use that reaction to further refine their own vidding style. I, myself, have taught myself many things over the years by watching what others do and experimenting with different techniques.

If nothing else, I'd like to think that this competition has given vidders a chance to expand their viewing circle, even if only temporarily, and has encouraged them to take away some new ideas that will help them grow as a vidder.

But enough with the talking! No competition can end without a winner -- or four! *g* -- so here are the vidders I thought brought creativity, talent and potential to the competition this time.


VIDDER: brokenmnemonicAs much as I don't like to play favourites in this competition, Cowboy and Just Like You Imagined impressed the hell out of me. Cowboy is tongue-in-cheek, fun and wonderfully paced, while Just Like You Imagined shows a brilliant combination of clip choice, timing and effects. Humourous and instrumental tracks, imo, can be two of the hardest things to pull off successfully in a fandom music video, but these videos make it look easy. Simply awesome.


VIDDER: kjc_writerI said it last competition, and I'll say it again: videos don't need to be flashy or full of effects to impress me -- they just need to be good. Both The Passion Of Christ and The Island are perfect examples of what good timing and clip choice can accomplish: a music video that keeps you watching.


VIDDER: taelonmahal Storylines! Timing and clip choice might be what makes or breaks a video for me, but it's the underlying storyline the vidder has created that keeps me interested. All vids tell a story; the good ones tell it intentionally, coherently and without the vidder needing to explain it outside of the video. New Shoes is a great example of how the right combination of lyrics and clips can clearly tell a character's story.


VIDDER: hjsnapepmSame Deep Water As Me and You Make It Easy are solid videos with some absolutely lovely colouring. I was a little disappointed by the number of "talking heads" in these videos, however I do feel these were balanced out by some simply awesome clip choices in other sections. These videos show huge potential.


And, of course, nobody leaves this competition empty handed! As a thank you for being a part of this competition, each participant will have permanent hosting for one of the music videos they submitted in the competition:

+ cariel: The Tease
+ tulzdavampslaya: Suddenly I See
+ mystictwilight: Somewhere Out There
+ brokenmnemonic: Just Like You Imagined
+ lissie_pissie: World Of Fire
+ scifidvm: Signal Fire
+ jump1956: The Dress Looks Nice On You
+ roelofp: 3rd Rock From The Sun
+ pakjono: Savin' Me
+ jedi_of_urth: The Way
+ kjc_writer: The Island
+ trutgras: Making Your Mind Up
+ taelonmahal: New Shoes
+ hjsnapepm: Same Deep Water As Me

As always, a massive thank you to everyone who participated in some form or another! Thank you to those who submitted a music video, who promoted the competition, voted and offered encouragement. You're all wonderful people, and I look forward to running this competition again in the future. *g*

Full details of the competition can be found here. Voting results can be found here. For more information on this (and other) competitions, visit: dot net hosting.


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