Apr 12, 2004 12:53
so, it was mikes birthday yesterday
happy birthday Mike.
All day... all day i thought about him and how it was his birthday. And i figured i shouldnt call b/c he wasnt gunna be home, cause he was going to his AUnts? Grandmas? for easter... and so i figured i'd call himn at night, and still he wasnt home at 2 in the morning. I feel really bad. 4 years of friendship and i didnt even get to speak with him on his birthday.
I hope you had a good one ragosta. Your a cool kid. love ya!
so about me...
i havent updated since feb 16, wow, so much has happened. i dont know wehre to start. I think i'll just talk about spring break.
It was cool. I didnt really hang out with anyone. I worked... that was pretty much my spring break. I saw steve a couple times.. not alot tho. i think like 3 times. its sad, but we got threw it.
and thats it. I'm here, still alive.
thats all