Tonight my
Pathfinder game continues. The party might theoretically finish the first book tonight. Maybe. If they don't all die first... MWAHAHAHA... Nah, they'll do fine.
I ended up getting a cyst (benign, no worries) removed at the doctor's office yesterday. Now the stitches are driving me crazy. Just an annoyance, really, nothing to fret about.
We did get the backyard cleaned up this past week, and a lot of garbage cleared from the garage. This is a very good thing. We've kept the yard neat, so I have no more worries about the city flagging us. I've talked to Mr. Goodloe Sr, and he'll come by the house at some point when we all have time and help us measure the yard and work up a materials estimate for the landscaping work we were thinking of. I figured asking someone who knows what they are doing is a good idea. That way we'd at least get a concept of what would be all involved in the project. I've felt a desire to plant things lately, that I've been squelching since we don't have any laid out garden space yet.
I learned today that
the Bactrian Hoard is touring the US. I talked to Tomas, and hopefully we'll fit a visit to DC into our Virginia trip at the end of the month.
It will appear at the National Gallery. It's a once in a lifetime chance for us to see these artifacts in person. We're both excited about the prospect of going to the exhibition.
I haven't done much reading lately, other than the latest issue of
Archaeology Magazine. I have, however, finally finished
The Savage Tales of Solomon Cane which Jesse gave me for Christmas. I enjoyed the book, although the reader must be warned that it is written in that pulp fantasy way which most turn-of-the-last-century books were. All Africans are presented as savages, all non-Christians are godless heathens, all women are helpless damsels to be rescued... and so forth. If you can suspend disbelief that far, then the stories are cool enough. I don't have a problem with that sort of storytelling, as long as I remind myself it is an artifact of its era. I enjoyed reading it, though, especially to get some more background on the type of world that
PCI is building for its
Dark Providence game, gender equality and racial issues aside...