My track record with filling these has actually been pretty impressive recently, I think, and I really need the de-stressor (-er? lol spelling) this week. Let's see if I can keep that going.
Ganked from
The first ten people to comment in this post get to request up to 500 words of any pairing/character of their choosing from me.
Fandoms I'll do:
- DCU (Bats and some Supers only again. Sorry, guys; I'm working on fixing this.)
- Inception
- Tangled
- Star Trek XI
- Merlin
- Les Mis
- Rent
- Bryce Larkin (who totally counts as a fandom in his own right, shut up)
- ? [Like last time, if you want something not on this list that you've seen me mention before, run it by me and I'll see if I can't give it a go for you. I'm feeling ~flexible today.]
For now, crossovers are okay, so long as they aren't utterly hideous. Also, more likely than not, I will default to shameless porn in filling them, so, you know. Be prepared for that.