Poll MOST RELEVANT TO MY WRITING INTERESTS You should be aware of the following:
PR AU would feature matchmaking!Slashdragon, as always, saying such ridiculous things as: "But really, Emrys, shouldn't you be trying to win the heart of young Pendragon? I have seen the way you look at him, and he has busted out the leather trousers twice already this season -- twice! -- which he doesn't do
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i'm thinking that maybe, one of the people on the legal team will be jealous of the fact that Elle!Arthur is doing so well with trial things
and hate the fact that this guy who's a total ditz and practically failed out first semester is now an intern in one of the highly-coveted internships Harvard professors offer
so maybe they'll see that Arthur and that TA, Emmett!Merlin, have gotten really close
and they'll spread nasty horrible rumors after seeing Arthur leave Merlin's apartment one morning in the same clothes he arrived in the night before
and really, they were just going through files for the case until they both passed out on Merlin's lumpy, too-soft couches
but Jealous Law Student was like
~sleeping his way to the top!~
so JLS spread all these horrible rumors, and everyone went back to disregarding everything Arthur had to say, even though he was actually being analytical and junk now!
Arthur would refuse to talk to Merlin after he heard what people were accusing them of
both of them were already getting dirty enough looks from everyone; they didn't need to add more fuel to that fire
and then maybe Nimueh the Bitchy TA for Arthur's Ethics class would make a pass at him
"if you're going to sleep your way to one good grade, why not do it for them all? i mean, you slept with Emrys, and i'm so much better than him."
and some other JLS will walk in on the end of that encounter, when Nimueh had Arthur backed into a corner by the other classroom door, fingers of her right hand playing with the collar of his shirt and mouth leaned in close to his ear
and the rumors will fly AGAIN!
and Arthur will say that he has HAD IT
and he will run back to his dorm and start just packing things up pell-mell
and when he opens the door to start moving stuff out to his car so he can just get out, Merlin's there, looking like he hasn't slept in days
and there will be a confrontation!
sort of?
because Arthur thinks that Merlin started those rumors?
Merlin was the only one who knew about that night Arthur had stayed over accidentally, at least that Arthur knew
and you know, if he'd wanted to sleep with Arthur so badly, he didn't have to completely trash Arthur's chances at a solid reputation as a Serious Law Student
he could have just said something
Arthur thinks he's probably been in love with Merlin since the day the internships were announced, when he watched Sophia accept Bayard's proposal after turning down his own not even five months ago, and it hurt so much, only then Merlin's hand grabbed Arthur's shoulder to turn him around and see his name on the list of accepted interns, and Merlin's face had been cautiously sympathetic, and under that fiercely proud, and looking at him, Sophia's squeals about her ring didn't feel like quite the crushing blow they should have
Arthur would gladly have slept with Merlin, done so much more with Merlin, only Merlin apparently couldn't be upfront and honest and not a manipulative snake about things like any other person
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