I'm watching Gazetto's comment on Bachoon TV. It is... Well, it's about a live in Hokkaido. And cows. And peting them. I know, that people, who live in Tokyo, probably never seen cows, but when these people decided, that they'll make concert because they maybe can pet cows, it is not normal. But who is normal in jrock world? (´┏_┓`) ;;
Btw I wonder how much personal is LEECH. Ruki said "this single is about stuff that's been happening around me". And he often didn't finish his sentences. Maybe this feelings are true? Disappointing, anger... Or maybe it's only commercial thing.
Next comment. D'espairs Ray.
http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/esp/movie/despairsray/ (thanks aw! <3)
Why I feel as if I'm watching Tora and Saga? Oo; This is bad. Veeery bad.
Btw the best Nao's post ever.
"2008-11-27 11:59:15
(´┏_┓`)" (ame desu ne (´┏_┓`) )
No need to comment. But now I have a question. Why I like this.. guy? = =;
http://ameblo.jp/alice-nao/entry-10170280908.html ー☆
Fraza z House M.D. na dziś: "People never change!" Maybe it's true?