UGLIES by Scott Westerfeld
Uglies is set in the future, after our time, revolved around a character called Tally Youngblood. Tally lives in a society where you don't turn pretty until you're sixteen when you get shipped off for an operation that actually makes you pretty. Peris, Tally's best friend, has his birthday three months before her, which means he gets the operation first, and is sent off to New Pretty Town to enjoy his new life, without Tally. She meets a rebellious girl with the same birthday named Shay after Peris leaves, and one thing leads to another that sends Tally on a twisting adventure that she'll never forget.
This is just the beginning of Scott Westerfeld's extraordinary trilogy, and I immediately got hooked. I initially declined the chance to read it last year, being turned off by only reading the first few lines which involved the relation of the sky to cat vomit. But, after thinking for a while and getting thrown into my book kick again, I picked it up on my trip to the bookstore and loved it. The new-age world that Scott has thought up is fantastic and astounding to me, and the book is just amazing altogether. I definitely recommend picking this up if you haven't already, and if you like it you should pick up Pretties and Specials also, the following books. I'm in the middle of Pretties and can already tell I'm going to finish it quickly, with Specials lined up next! :)
Favorite quote? "The early summer sky was the color of cat vomit."
The one that turned me off from it initially of course! Haha.