Dec 01, 2011 00:39
i took the girls to go see the pay what you can bonus show at a church downtown. the lady in charge of the show was a super bitch. she immediately took one look at us and said, "oh children. you know they can't make any noise. there is no talking or crying." she made the statement at least 4 times before we were allowed in the theater. at one point squiggles squealed at which point she said "and none of that either. this a performance and outbursts like that will mess up the singers." at which point the guy who i now know as tom, the man who has been doing my copies for years, the man who has watched my girls grow and play in his shop, told her to shut the fuck up in his ever so juneau polite way, "laura, i think it will be okay. and the performers are professionals and a bit of fussing won't ruin the show."
we sat in the very front on the end. squiggles of course was too fascinated by all the people and the set to relax and sleep during the 1st act. she wanted to roam. we left belly in there alone. she was on the edge of her seat when i left and when i returned. she also filled me in on what was happening at the end of act 1. act 2 both girls were quiet, watching, enjoying it. the singing was great. we made it through intermission and waited for act 3 despite having an accident that went unreported in act 2. quick costume change for my darling and she sat on my jacket. squiggles was having nothing to do with the opera now that she was newly invigorated after intermission. i spent most of act 3 in the hall again with the lady who i wanted to smack. instead i just entertained myself with squiggles and ground my teeth.
we left after the end of the 3rd act and belly was really very disappointed. she didn't want to leave. she even yelled at me, which she's never done in public, and said, "i don't want to leave, i have to stay. i have to finish." i hated making her go but we had to. maybe if she wasn't sitting in my scarf wrapped around her naked little bum on my jacket i would've let her finish and i would have kept the other one in the hallway. maybe if i didn't feel so guilty for belly watching her first opera alone i would've stayed. maybe if that woman didn't have my hackles up i would've had mellow vibes and we all could've enjoyed the performance.
ugh...whatever. i didn't report the accident in seat 2, row 1 to laura. i know i'm a bad person.