Title: How MBLAQ and H1N1 were introduced Author: anoukinparis Pairing: Way too many lmao Genre: Crack/Drabble Rating: R Summary: The title pretty much says it all. It's ridiculous idek.
OMG amazing crack is amazing! <3 Your fics are perfection and this one is no different. <333333333 thank you so much for posting this, I needed something good to read before bed!
PS Joon jaw/Ho lips/G.O facial hair are my ot3 now, lol. I love the way each one of them played a role in addition to the actual person with said attribute in the fic.
LOL I was awake checking my lj every 30 seconds to see reviews on my first drabble in 5 years so in between times I kept checking the comms for other fic updates too, haha. I flipped out when I saw you'd updated cause you always write such good stuff! *still secretly hoping for more HoJoon*
Seriously though, please keep up the good work because your stuff rocks my world <33333333
PS It's pretty bad, I'm contemplating making icons. LOL
haha don't feel like a perv, i'm the one who wrote it xD though, after reading all those comments about supposed kpop orgies, the idea couldn't be ignored~
ah yeah i read a big bang ordy one time!!!! HOOOOOOOOOT!!! MBLAQ orgy's really ... hot too. I mean they're sexy funny and handsome. How could it not be hot? lol Thanks again.
Comments 46
PS Joon jaw/Ho lips/G.O facial hair are my ot3 now, lol. I love the way each one of them played a role in addition to the actual person with said attribute in the fic.
ahh that means a lot to me, hearing compliments like that D: sjahdsahdhsf thank YOU bb ♥ ♥ ♥
p.s. i totally understand where you're coming from lmao
Seriously though, please keep up the good work because your stuff rocks my world <33333333
PS It's pretty bad, I'm contemplating making icons. LOL
thanks for commenting as always, bb ♥ ♥
MBLAQ orgy!
(k i'm feeling like a perv lol, but that's great :) )
glad you liked it ;D thanks! ♥
MBLAQ orgy's really ... hot too. I mean they're sexy funny and handsome. How could it not be hot? lol
Thanks again.
Freaking hilarious, though.
In reality Seungho only had to moisten his lips with his tongue for Thunder to cave. One exception.
“Just don't make me wear that damn wig again.”
that line's a personal favorite of mine ngl xD glad you liked the fic bb! much thanks~
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